This post is my attempt to answer the question from here .  

The procedure  ContoursWithLabels  has 2 required parameters: Expr  is an expression in  x  and  y  variables,  Range1  and  Range2  are ranges for  x  and  y . In this case, the output is the list of floats for the contours and 8 black contours (with labels) (the axis of coordinates as a box). 

The optional parameters: Number is positive integer - the number of contours (by default Number=8),  S is a set of real numbers  C  for contours (for which Expr=C) (by default  S={}),  GraphicOptions  is a list of graphic options for plotting (by default  GraphicOptions=[color = black, axes = box]),  Coloring  is an equality  Coloring=list of color options for  plots[dencityplot]  command (by default Coloring=NULL). 

The code of the procedure:


ContoursWithLabels := proc (Expr, Range1::(range(realcons)), Range2::(range(realcons)), Number::posint := 8, S::(set(realcons)) := {}, GraphicOptions::list := [color = black, axes = box], Coloring::`=` := NULL)

local r1, r2, L, f, L1, h, S1, P, P1, r, M, C, T, p, p1, m, n, A, B, E;

uses plots, plottools;

f := unapply(Expr, x, y);

if S = {} then r1 := rand(convert(Range1, float)); r2 := rand(convert(Range2, float));

L := [seq([r1(), r2()], i = 1 .. 205)];

L1 := convert(sort(select(a->type(a, realcons), [seq(f(op(t)), t = L)]), (a, b) ->is(abs(a) < abs(b))), set);

h := (L1[-6]-L1[1])/Number;

S1 := [seq(L1[1]+(1/2)*h+h*(n-1), n = 1 .. Number)] else

S1 := convert(S, list)  fi;

print(Contours = evalf[2](S1));

r := k->rand(20 .. k-20); M := []; T := [];

for C in S1 do

P := implicitplot(Expr = C, x = Range1, y = Range2, op(GraphicOptions), gridrefine = 3);

P1 := [getdata(P)];

for p in P1 do

p1 := convert(p[3], listlist); n := nops(p1);

if n < 500 then m := `if`(40 < n, (r(n))(), round((1/2)*n)); M := `if`(40 < n, [op(M), p1[1 .. m-11], p1[m+11 .. n]], [op(M), p1]); T := [op(T), [op(p1[m]), evalf[2](C)]] else

if 500 <= n then h := floor((1/2)*n); m := (r(h))(); M := [op(M), p1[1 .. m-11], p1[m+11 .. m+h-11], p1[m+h+11 .. n]]; T := [op(T), [op(p1[m]), evalf[2](C)], [op(p1[m+h]), evalf[2](C)]]

fi; fi; od; od;

A := plot(M, op(GraphicOptions));

B := plots:-textplot(T);

if Coloring = NULL then E := NULL else E := ([plots:-densityplot])(Expr, x = Range1, y = Range2, op(rhs(Coloring)))  fi;

display(E, A, B);

end proc:


Examples of use:

ContoursWithLabels(x^2+y^2, -3 .. 3, -3 .. 3);




ContoursWithLabels(x^2-y^2, -5 .. 5, -5 .. 5, {-20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20}, [color = black, thickness = 2, axes = box], Coloring = [colorstyle = HUE, colorscheme = ["White", "Red"], style = surface]);




The next example, I took from here:

ContoursWithLabels(sin(1.3*x)*cos(.9*y)+cos(.8*x)*sin(1.9*y)+cos(.2*x*y), -5 .. 0, 2 .. 5, {seq(-2 .. 2, 0.5)}, [color = black, axes = box], Coloring = [colorstyle = HUE, colorscheme = ["Cyan", "Red"], style = surface]);



There are many more examples can be found in the attached file.


Edit. The attached file has been corrected.

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