Here is a major upgrade of the procedure I submitted in february.

There is a line after the procedure to save it in the file "ExpandQop.m"
In future post I will use it in order to minimize the size of the examples.

Louis Lamarche

# NOTICE                                                             #
# Author: Louis Lamarche                                             #
#         Institute of Research of Hydro-Quebec (IREQ)               #
#         Science des données et haute performance                   #
#         2018, March 7                                              #
#                                                                    #
# Function name: ExpandQop (x)                                       #
#       Purpose: Compute the tensor product of two quantum           #
#                operators in Dirac notations                        #
#      Argument: x: a quantum operator                               #
#  Improvements: Manage all +, -, *, /, ^, mod  operations           #
#                in the argument                                     #
#       Version: 2                                                   #
#                                                                    #
#  Copyrigth(c) Hydro-Quebec.                                        #
#        Note 1: Permission to use this softwate is granted if you   #
#                acknowledge its author and copyright                #
#        Note 2: Permission to copy this softwate is granted if you  #
#                leave this 21 lines notice intact. Thank you.       #


[mathematicalnotation = true]



[quantumoperators = {A, B, C, Cn}]


[noncommutativeprefix = {a, b, q}]


opexp:= op(0,10^x):            # exponentiation id
opnp := op(0,10*x):            # normal product id
optp := op(0,Ket(q0)*Ket(q1)): # tensor product id
opdiv:= `Fraction`:            # fraction       id          
opsym:= op(0,x):               # symbol         id
opint:= op(0,10):              # integer        id
opflt:= op(0,10.0):            # float          id
opcpx:= op(0,i):               # complex        id
opbra:= op(0,Bra(q)):          # bra            id
opket:= op(0,Ket(q)):          # ket            id
opmod:= op(0, a mod b):        # mod            id
    local ret,j,lkb,cbk,rkb,no,lop;
    lkb:=0; cbk:=0; rkb:=0;
    if lop = opsym or lop = opint or lop = opflt or
       lop = opbra or lop = opket or lop = opcpx then
    if lop = opexp then
    if lop = opnp then
        for j from 1 to no do
        end do;        
    if lop = `+` then
        for j from 1 to no do
        end do;
    if lop = `-` then
        for j from 1 to no do
        end do;
    if lop = opdiv then
       for j from 1 to no do
       end do;
    if lop = opmod then
    if lop = optp then
       if (no > 3 ) then
           for j from 1 to no do
               if (j>1) then
                    if(lkb=0) then
                        if( type(op(j-1,x),Ket) and
                            type(op(j,x),Bra) ) then lkb:=j-1; fi;
                        if( type(op(j-1,x),Ket) and
                            type(op(j,x),Bra) ) then rkb:=j;   fi;
                    if( type(op(j-1,x),Bra) and type(op(j,x),Ket) )
                                                then cbk:=j;   fi;
           end do;
           if ( (lkb < cbk) and (cbk<rkb) ) then
               for j from 1     to lkb   do ret := ret*op(j,x); end do;
               for j from cbk   to no    do ret := ret*op(j,x); end do;
               for j from lkb+1 to cbk-1 do ret := ret*op(j,x); end do;
    else ret:=x;
    fi; # optp
    fi; # opmod
    fi; # opdiv
    fi; # `-`
    fi; # `+`
    fi; # `opnp
    fi; # `opexp`
    fi; # opsym, opint, opflt, opbra, opket, opcpx

    return ret;
end proc:

# For saving
# save opexp,opnp,optp,opdiv,opint,opflt,opcpx,opbra,opket,opmod, ExpandQop,"ExpandQop.m"

# Let A be an operator in a first Hilbert space of dimension n
#  using the associated orthonormal ket and bra vectors

# Let B be an operator in a second Hilbert (Ketspace of dimension m
#  using the associated orthonormal ket and bra vectors

# The tensor product of the two operators acts on a n+m third
# Hilbert space   unsing the appropriately ordered ket
# and bra  vectors of the two preceding spaces. The rule for
# building this operator in Dirac notation is as follows,

print("Maple do not compute the tensor product of operators,");
print("C=A*B gives:");

print("ExpandQop(C) gives the expected result:");

Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1))


Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1))


"Maple do not compute the tensor product of operators,"


"C=A*B gives:"


Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1), Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1))


"ExpandQop(C) gives the expected result:"


Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1))


print("Matrix elements computed with C appears curious");
'bras3.C. kets3'="...";
print("Matrix elements computed with Cn as expected");

Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3))


Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1))


"Matrix elements computed with C appears curious"


Physics:-`.`(bras3, C, kets3) = "..."


Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Ket(a1))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Ket(a2))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Ket(a3))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a1), Physics:-Ket(b1))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Ket(b2))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Ket(b3))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Ket(a4))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Ket(a5))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a1), Physics:-Ket(a1))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Ket(a2))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Ket(a3))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Ket(b1))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Ket(b2))*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Ket(b3))


"Matrix elements computed with Cn as expected"


Physics:-`.`(bras3, Cn, kets3) = Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a1), Physics:-Ket(a1))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Ket(a2))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Ket(a3))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Ket(a4))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Ket(a5))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Ket(b1))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Ket(b2))^2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Ket(b3))^2





-(5*I)*2^(1/2)*(-1+x-y-z)*Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1))


print("Another example");


"Another example"


F = Physics:-`*`(Physics:-`*`(A, B), Physics:-`^`(sqrt(2), -1))+Physics:-`*`(Physics:-`*`(B, A), Physics:-`^`(sqrt(2), -1))


op(1, F) = (1/2)*2^(1/2)*Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1), Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1))


op(2, F) = (1/2)*2^(1/2)*Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1))


Fn = ExpandQop(F)


op(1, Fn) = (1/2)*2^(1/2)*Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1))


op(2, Fn) = (1/2)*2^(1/2)*Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(b1), Physics:-Ket(b2), Physics:-Ket(b3), Physics:-Ket(a1), Physics:-Ket(a2), Physics:-Ket(a3), Physics:-Ket(a4), Physics:-Ket(a5), Physics:-Bra(a5), Physics:-Bra(a4), Physics:-Bra(a3), Physics:-Bra(a2), Physics:-Bra(a1), Physics:-Bra(b3), Physics:-Bra(b2), Physics:-Bra(b1))





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