In two recent questions

dnaviaux  raised concerns about saving informations he could include in a typeset report.

In the first question these informations were mainly printf terminal outputs, while the second question was oriented to informations of type Table (in the sense of DocumentTools:-Layout:-Table).

Acer has given a direct answer to this last question.
On my side I proposed a less direct one based on a LaTeXapproach.

Since several years I use to generate a LaTeX source code for typeset reports directly from Maple (this is not very difficult once you know LaTeX).
These reports often contain data tables Mbut latex(M)is not the good way to code these data tables into LaTeX.
That is why I turned towards the LaTeX/tabularstructure


Data tables are very simple structures and converting them programmatically from Maple Matrix into  LaTeX tabular is rather simple: the most important thing you must remember is that some characters have a special role in LaTeX  (for instance "\" , "_" and "$") while having a special meaning in Maple too: so beware of conflicts.

The procedure Tabular in the attached file takes as argument a Matrix and returns the LaTeX code of its tabular counterpart.
Note that it could be easily extendend to accept a DataFrameas input.
This is a very simple simple version and fonts (\rm, \bf, \it... or others), styles (\scriptsize, \large, ...) and much more customization features could be accounted for without any difficulty.

For this particular example inspired by dnaviaux first question, it would be probably better to replace the LaTeX code by one of thes two:

\begin{tabular}{|c @{ $\pm$  } c|}
Asdfsdg & +5.190e+01 & 2.5950e+00 \\ 

or :

Asdfsdg & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$+8.680e-01 \pm 0.9190$} \\ 

dnaviaux second question concerned a DocumentTools:-Layout:-Table object.
For what I understood this table has a simple structure (no rowspan neither columnspan used).

But, knowing that tabular can manage merged columns (\multicolumn) and merged rows (\multirow, provided the ad hoc pasckage is used), I wondered if it would be possible to generate the LaTeX/tabular code corresponding to a Table using rowspan and columnspan?

This is done by the procedure Tabular_Table in the attached file.
Here again this is a very simple procedure which doesn't exploit all the informations a Table structure contains (backgroundstylefillcoloralignalignmentseparator [Tabular_Table separates all columns and rows] ...).

The "raw" rendering is not bad but could be improved:

  • adjust the way \multirowcenters the content of a cell (Xis badly placed in example 3)
  • adjust the spaces between line/clineand the text
    • by using the package cellspace 
    • or my modufying \arraystretch with \renewcommand.
  • one could also add a legend with \caption
  • parameterize Tabular_Table to accept other column separators
  • manage the colors (for instance a blue for a math expression and a black for a text)
  • ...

Finally Tabularand Tabular_Tablecould have an optional argument file:

{file::{symbol, string}:= terminal} 

set by default to terminalor wich could be the name of a  .texfile 

This work is still under developpement and I would be happy to exchange with you on this topic.
Happy New Year to all of you

Here is the content of the .tex file (I used Welcome-to-CoCalc.texto create/compile it)


% set font encoding for PDFLaTeX, XeLaTeX, or LuaTeX
\if\ifxetex T\else\ifluatex T\else F\fi\fi T%



\title{Tabulars from Maple}


\item[\bf{Example 1}]

Quantity & Nominal value & Uncertainty \\ 
Asdfsdg & +9.060e+01 & 4.5298e+00 \\ 
Bdfg & +1.437e+01 & 7.1870e-01 \\ 
C123 & +8.025e+01 & 4.0125e+00 \\ 
Ddf sdfg dsfg  & +9.614e+00 & 4.8072e-01 \\ 


\item[\bf{Example 3}]

\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | c | c |}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{4}{*}{X}} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\multirow{1}{*}{A1}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{A2}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\multirow{1}{*}{A3}} \\ 
 & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{B1}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\multirow{1}{*}{B2}} & & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\multirow{3}{*}{B3}} \\ 
 &  & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{${\cos \left( \omega\,t+\phi \right) }^{\mathstrut}_{\atop{}{\mathstrut}}$} &  \\ 
 & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{${{\frac {1}{\Gamma  \left( x \right) }\sqrt {{{\rm e}^{-{\frac {{t}^{2}}{\pi }}}}}}}^{\mathstrut}_{\atop{}{\mathstrut}}$} &  \\ 



Image of the resulting PDF:


For comparison here is the Tableof Example 3 that Mapledisplays in the worksheet

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