Maple Toolboxes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple Toolboxes

Please help me to check this procedure for solving complex DAE, I want to plot this error figures

There are some errors for the initial conditions?

w := 10;
L :=0.001;
R :=1;
u(t) :=exp(I*w*t) + 2* exp(I * 2 * w * t);
daesys:={diff(I3(t),t) = 1/L*u(t), I1(t) = I3(t) + 1/R * u(t), I1(0)=0, I3(0)=0};
dsys1:= map(eq -> (evalc(Re(eq)), evalc(Im(eq))), eval(daesys, {x(t) = xre(t) + I*xim(t), y(t) = yre(t) + I*yim(t)}));

Hi everyone,

I am importing an .m file from MATLAB to Maple using the command: FromMFile(). The .m file uses a set of huge symbolic matrices with an output of a huge symbolic vector of 36 by 1. Each element of this vecot is supposed to form a second-order differential /or algebraic equation that I am planning to solve using the Maple DAE toolbox.

The problem I have is that while I execute the worksheet, Maple only evaluates the...

I need to use Krylov functions widely in my project. They are recurrent functions as follows:

Can I make Maple operate with these functions?



it's my first utilisation of MAPLE, and I want to determine the max of a function y(x). I have this differentiel equation with 2 variables :

a*diff(y(x),x,x) + b*(diff(y(x),x)-diff(z(x),x)) + c*diff(y(x),x) + d*y(x) + e*(y(x)-z(x))= 0;

I resolve it whith the function "dsolve", and now and I want to calculat the max of the function y(x).

can any body help me ??!!!



Jacques' post on the maple.vim project spurred this post.  Vim users cannot have all the fun.

About a year ago I wrote an Emacs front-end for the Maple debugger.  I've used it since---it is now my primary debugging tool for Maple code.  What it does is allow stepping through interpreted Maple code in an Emacs buffer.  That is, rather than being presented with a single line of...

I am new to Maplet programming and came across this problem while looking trying to build a simple application. Running the code results in: "Error, (in Maplets:-Tools:-CleanUp:-SetOption) the target `("REF")("enabled")` refers to a non-existant element" I am at a loss for why this is the case. From what I read, I am doing this right, but if anyone can see the problem... I would appreciate the help.
hi is there any any one can help me i can`t find maplenet component, pleas help me thanks

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Sorry but my question os more for mathematica users: The DSolve result is not correct. What can I do?

Thanks for your advice.




Hi Maple users,

I have a license for the Global Optimization Toolbox (GOT) 12 (i.e. for Maple 12). However, it seems it cannot be installed under Maple 13. As the GOT is essentially a frontend for an external library, I find this restriction a bit artificial and annoying. I don't see a reason why I should buy a new license for something that is practically the same that I already bought...!? Do I overlook something? Is there a simple way of installing the GOT 12 under Maple 13? Thanks for any hint!



So I followed the exact example as in the Maple help for "Matlab[evalM]" which is reproduced below (with my result, which is nearly identical to that in the help example)

dear friends

Hi All,

I cannot transfer variables from Matlab to Maple as shown in the demonstration video for Maple toolbox for Matlab.

Here is what I did:

I run the Matlab using: matlab-sym-maple.bat
and checked that it is using the maple (not the symbolic toolbox version):
toolbox_version maple

open my maple 13, do
got: User Interface, Kernel, Library, Maple Toolbox for MATLAB: 397624

back in Matlab:
>> syms x y
>> g=int('sin(x*y)^2*x',x)
>> setmaple('G',g)

Windows Vista Home Premium+Maple 13+Maple toolbox for MATLAB 13+Matlab R2009a

Error Message: MATLAB not found!

I'm new with maple and I can't seem to fix my problem. I want to enter in a textbox1.text in Visual Basic, a function -cos(x) for example- and calling a maple procedure to differentiate it and print it in textbox2.text

I've tried EvalMapleStatement and tried also to convert from maple object the result of diff() function with MapleToString.  

Maybe you can also tell me what sort of result returns the function diff(). VB recieves only some numbers that are different for every function I input in textbox1.text from what i've done here.

MySimpleMaplet := Maplet([["Bienvenido Usuario al Generador de Solidos de Revoluci?n"]]);

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