Maple 13 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 13

I need some help. I'm trying to solve this system of equations, but maple says the solutions may have been lost.

I don't know why. Here are the equations:

I have four equations,very unknown variables in the equation.

I am trying to solve for any 4 unknowns ,not must had be Zoo1.Zoo2.th1.th2,it can be Za1.Za2.Zb1.Zb2.  

Any help  would be greatly appreciated.

I was calculating the total derivative of a function but maple does not respond to the commands like alias,diff,totaldiff etc.

please see the attached pdf.multiplier.pdfmultiplier.pdf

The summation takes too long time. Please help me





We conjecture that the polynomial h(n) = n^2 + n + 41 is prime for an infinite number of values n.
We furthur conjecture that p(n) = n^2 + 1 is prime an infinite number of times.

I have shown that the set (x,y) with h(y) mod x is congruent to 0 can be written down.  It is p(x,y).  p(x,y) is the set of all divisors of h(n).  See



  how can I find equation discribing elliptic intersections and use lagrange to show the higest and lowest value ?    g 

I am trying to solve the particular system of partial differential equation. But I get the following

"restart;  f(x,y):=x*y:  yy:={diff(f(x,y),x)=0,diff(f(x,y),y)=0}:  ee:=pdsolve(yy,numeric);"

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric) invalid subscript selector






I am trying to evaluate the following double integral where hypergeom([x,1/2],[3/2],C) is gauss hypergeometric function 2f1. maple gives back it unevaluated. I doubt it may be due to slow convergence of hypergeometric function. 

restart; x := (1/6)*Pi; evalf(int(evalf(int(cos(x)*hypergeom([x, 1/2], [3/2], sin(x)/(r*cos(x)+k-2*r*sin(x))^2)/(r*sin(x)^2+r*cos(x)+k)^4, k = 0 .. 10)), r = 1 .. 2))

Int(Int(.8660254040*hypergeom([.5000000000, .5235987758], [1.500000000], .5000000000/(-.1339745960*r+k)^2)/(1.116025404*r+k)^4, k = 0. .. 10.), r = 1. .. 2.)





I am trying to evaluate the following triple integral but it takes much time so i kill the job.


restart; R := 5; KK := proc (theta) options operator, arrow; evalf(int(int(int(1/(R*sin(theta)^2+(R*cos(theta)+Z)^2+(2*R*k.sin(theta))*cos(p))^2, p = 0 .. 2*Pi), Z = 0 .. 60), k = 1 .. 10, numeric)) end proc; evalf(KK((1/6)*Pi))

Warning,  computation interrupted






Dear sir,

in the program boundary conditions D(f)(0)=0 doesn't showing result but when use d(f)(0)=1 it will execute, why is this can you explain this ?

Hi Mapleprimes,

We know that '' rsolve '' is a recurrence equation solver.  It is more than an expression simplifier.

Congratulations to the Maple computer algebra team for creating such a great computer tool.  simply want to know more.


Surely there are many steps to determine the values to place.




Dear please check once it showing an error as intial value is not conververging

I assigned

before an algebraic calculation so I would like to get  or have the program print the 70 digits of the answer and not just 10 digits. Because when I press ENTER, I get only 10 digits.


> restart;


pr := .72; p := 0; n := [.5, 1, 1.5]; s := 0; a := .2; b := 0; L := [red, blue, green]; l := 0; k := 1;

for j to nops(n) do R1 := 2*n[j]/(1+n[j]); R2 := 2*p/(1+n);

sol1 := dsolve([diff(diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta), eta)+f(eta)*(diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta))+R1*(1-(diff(f(eta), eta))^2) = 0, diff(diff(theta(eta), eta), eta)+pr*k*f(eta)*(diff(theta(eta), eta))+R2*pr*k*(diff(f(eta), eta))*theta(eta)+(2*(a*(diff(f(eta), eta))+b*theta(eta)))/(1+n[j]) = 0, f(0) = 1, (D(f))(0) = b*((D@@2)(f))(0), (D(f))(1.8) = 0, theta(0) = 1+s*(D(theta))(0), theta(1.8) = 1], numeric, method = bvp);

fplt[j] := plots[odeplot](sol1, [eta, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta)], color = L[j], axes = boxed); tplt[j] := plots[odeplot](sol1, [[eta, theta(eta)]], color = L[j], axes = normal) end do; plots:-display([seq(fplt[j], j = 1 .. nops(n))]);

plots:-display([seq(tplt[j], j = 1 .. nops(n))]);

can we chage the axis sir ?? like  f'' vs eta to f'' vs lambda.



l := 1:







[blue, green, red, yellow]



for j to nops(p) do R1 := 2*n/(n+1); R2 := 2*p[j]/(n+1); R3 := 2/(n+1); sol1 := dsolve([diff(diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta), eta)+f(eta)*(diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta))+R1*(1-(diff(f(eta), eta))^2)-M*(diff(f(eta), eta)) = 0, diff(diff(theta(eta), eta), eta)+pr*f(eta)*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-R2*pr*(diff(f(eta), eta))*theta(eta)+R3*(A*(diff(f(eta), eta))+B*theta(eta)) = 0, f(0) = 1, (D(f))(0) = L+b*((D@@2)(f))(0), (D(f))(7) = 1, theta(0) = 1+s*(D(theta))(0), theta(7) = 0], numeric, method = bvp); plots[odeplot](sol1, [eta, ((D@@2)(f))(eta)], color = red); fplt[j] := plots[odeplot](sol1, [eta, f(eta)], color = K[j], axes = boxed); tplt[j] := plots[odeplot](sol1, [[eta, theta(eta)]], color = K[j], axes = normal); fplt[j] := plots[odeplot](sol1, [eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], color = K[j], axes = boxed) end do:



plots:-display([seq(fplt[j], j = 1 .. nops(n))]);






[eta = .1, f(eta) = 1.05958091104306206, diff(f(eta), eta) = .643210624614908300, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta) = .881482678165403044, theta(eta) = .623284688471349546, diff(theta(eta), eta) = -.578039450700496560]



[eta = .2, f(eta) = 1.12800452943200891, diff(f(eta), eta) = .722346769554029544, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta) = .706526135439307756, theta(eta) = .568123251856343492, diff(theta(eta), eta) = -.525530979400813946]



[eta = .3, f(eta) = 1.20351830506746449, diff(f(eta), eta) = .785511903074783246, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta) = .561442941644520022, theta(eta) = .518103974464032668, diff(theta(eta), eta) = -.475257424178228970]



[eta = .4, f(eta) = 1.28466826824405134, diff(f(eta), eta) = .835505660630676662, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta) = .442470716586289281, theta(eta) = .472985640642506311, diff(theta(eta), eta) = -.427567049032814172]



[eta = .5, f(eta) = 1.37026161183094430, diff(f(eta), eta) = .874752886901313142, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta) = .345911467377074400, theta(eta) = .432494259338694842, diff(theta(eta), eta) = -.382764248064397461]



[eta = .6, f(eta) = 1.36678221814533528, diff(f(eta), eta) = .771028661281065508, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta) = .407805382194403932, theta(eta) = .876413930517023876, diff(theta(eta), eta) = -.197648778495384870]



[eta = 2., f(eta) = 2.66120522956795602, diff(f(eta), eta) = .991532161353848585, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta) = 0.251405465681268682e-1, theta(eta) = .635967939441598018, diff(theta(eta), eta) = -.144641270049362308]














> restart; for j to nops(n) do sys := diff(f(eta), eta, eta, eta)+f(eta)*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta))+1-(diff(f(eta), eta))^2 = 0, (diff(diff(theta(eta), eta), eta))/pr+f(eta)*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-(diff(f(eta), eta))*theta(eta) = 0; bcs := f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = l+b*((D@@2)(f))(0), (D(f))(-.5) = 1, theta(0) = 1+s*(D(theta))(-.5), theta(2) = 0; n := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; pr := .71; p := 0; q := 0; b := 0; l := 0; s := 0; L := [red, blue, orange]; R1 := 2*n[j]/(1+n[j]); R2 := 2*p/(1+n); p := proc (f1, th1, { output::name := 'number' }) local res1, fvals, thvals, res2; option remember; res1 := dsolve({sys, f(1) = 0, theta(0) = 1+th1, (D(f))(0) = f1, (D(theta))(0) = th1, ((D@@2)(f))(0) = f1-1}, numeric, :-output = listprocedure); fvals := (subs(res1, [seq(diff(f(eta), [`$`(eta, i)]), i = 0 .. 2)]))(0); thvals := (subs(res1, [seq(diff(theta(eta), [`$`(eta, i)]), i = 0 .. 1)]))(0); res2 := dsolve({sys, f(0) = fvals[1], theta(0) = thvals[1], theta(5) = 0, (D(f))(0) = fvals[2], (D(f))(5) = 1}, numeric, :-output = listprocedure); if output = 'number' then [fvals[3]-(subs(res2, diff(f(eta), `$`(eta, 2))))(0), thvals[2]-(subs(res2, diff(theta(eta), eta)))(0)] else res1, res2 end if end proc; p1 := proc (f1, th1) p(args)[1] end proc; p2 := proc (f1, th1) p(args)[2] end proc; p(.3, -.2); par := fsolve([p1, p2], [.3, -.2]); res1, res2 := p(op(par), output = xxx); plots:-display(plots:-odeplot(res1, [[eta, f(eta)], [eta, theta(eta)]]), plots:-odeplot(res2, [[eta, f(eta)], [eta, theta(eta)]])); plots:-display(plots:-odeplot(res1, [[eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], [eta, diff(theta(eta), eta)]]), plots:-odeplot(res2, [[eta, diff(f(eta), eta)], [eta, diff(theta(eta), eta)]])); plots:-display(plots:-odeplot(res1, [[eta, diff(f(eta), eta, eta)]]), plots:-odeplot(res2, [[eta, diff(f(eta), eta, eta)]])); plots:-display(plots:-odeplot(res1, [[eta, diff(f(eta), eta)]])); fplt[j] := plots[odeplot](res1, [eta, diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta)], color = L[j], axes = boxed); tplt[j] := plots[odeplot](res1, [[eta, theta(eta)]], color = L[j], axes = boxed) end do;
> plots:-display([seq(fplt[j], j = 1 .. nops(n))]);

Dear Sir

In my above problem i trying to plot for set of values of n but in plot command it not executing , can you do this why it is not executing ??



i have to develop a code i which i have system of nonlinear equation 

i have to generate the matrix of that nonlinear equation then i want to do or apply any method say newton method and make a loop which help us to find a solution using some tolerance 

at the end i get a result in form of a table which give nth matrix then value of function matrix at nth value then error i-e xn-x(n-1) 

thanx in advance

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