Maple 13 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 13

I want to define a band matrix using n vectors. Detial given maple sheet. please help me

I want to define a matrix of M by M which have some condition. detail given in maple file. please help me.

So I am working on doing some trajectory simulations in Maple using standard Newton's Laws, some force expressions, and initial conditions.

Anyway, the numerical solution works fine if I let the initial conditions I specified (for z=-1) be actually for z=-0.9. To illustrate, when I give an initial condition like this:

x(-1) = x_0, D(x)(-1) = xd_0, Vz(-1) = v_0

the results don't make any sense. However, when using the same x_0, xd_0, and v_0 and I give initial conditions like this:

x(-.9) = x_0, D(x)(-.9) = xd_0, Vz(-0.9) = v_0,

the solutions at least make a bit of sense.

What's weird is that, when I let z -> 0.93 or so, the solution changes discontinuously. And this shouldn't happen. The initial conditions were calculated for and should work for z = -1. I don't understand why they aren't.

Here is my Maple document. ics1 are the problem.

Do you guys have any idea what could be going on?

Hi,I want to compute some expressions as binomial(d-2,r)*binomial(v-d-1,r-1) and something like that. In the process, there are many such expressions but with differernt parameters. Some of them can pass successfully, but some of them will generate a mistake. That is: Error, (in gcd/LinZip) variable in input expression must be in either the evaluate or retained variables.Could you please what happened to it? Thanks.

Aslam-u-Alikum... How are you? Hope you will be fine. I want to determine the eigenvalues of differential equation in Maple kindly help me... Problem.docx

Aslam-ul-Alikum I need some help urgently. I want to compare the coefficients of like powers of Y_1*Y_2, please help how i compare it in maple

Hi, I got a doubtI don’tknow how to make the Runge-Kutta’s and Euler’s method. The Runge-Kutta for thesecond and fourth order. I don’t know how to beginning the algoritms, I needsome help. Thanks.

hello, i'm using maple, in order to draw a graphic in wich, different functions are plotted, 
these functions came from one with 4 variables, wich represents losses in a phenomenon (extraction) depending on diffenrent variables, so my objective is to varry only one parameter and then draw its curve, and this for each parameter ; i had 4 functions.


f1:=plot((n-1)/(-1+n*10^(6.77*((n-1)/n))), n=1.0537..1.2688):

f2:=plot(0.2365/(-1+1.2365*10^(0.0155*O)), O=76.42..99.92):...


 any one know how to solve the second order differential equation using finite element method (Using Linear shape functions)

I have written the maple code to calculate time domain value of the laplace domain equation. It contain slowly converge double series so that I used epsilon algorithm to accelerate convergence. one summation contain 7 terms and another summation terms reduce to 850 terms after the use of epsilon alorithms. I also used deHoog algorithm with 9 terms to obtain time domain data but maple give the following error:

Error: (in evalf/exp/general) object too large


If I have the parameters-(v,k,lambda) of a combinatorical design, I wonder whether I can get the incidence matrix of the design or not with maple.

Remark:v is the number points of the design; k is the number of points on each line; lambda is the number of points common on every two lines.




Here is my sheet.

In this problem I have achieved every thing what I aimed, thnaks to the wonderful people here!!!

I am looking for a way to do it in a more structured way meaning the calculation of Jacobian in the attached sheet is somewhat manuel, though I wonder does maple has some other way?


I'm solving a system of 3 second order ODE's for 3 unknown functions, using dsolve. But in the output, I receive various sets of solutions which contain only 3 constants of integration. A friend solved the same system but in Mathematica, and received more constants of integration. 

I guess this has to do with the issue that Maple omits additive constants of integration almost everywhere. 

Is there some solution? i.e. some way of using...

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