Maple 13 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 13


I have a large expression of 10 variables that contains many rational terms. I would like to manipulate it from the form a^2*b^2*c^(-2)*d into for example ((a*b)/c)^2*d. And I want to do this for all terms and combine all variables of power 2.

I know how to do this for arbitrary power a^n/b^n to (a/b)^n but since I have n=2 maple automatically writes (a/b)^2=a^2/b^2 which is what I don't want.

Many thanks 

I get the following error message when trying to use LinearSolve(with inplace option) to solve a linear system of size 2000x2000 with 416 digits.


maple: fatal error, lost connection to kernel


Any suggestion to the cause of this error or how to avoid it?


I want to plot a function with a restricted domain, specifically f(x) = |x| if -Pi <= x < Pi.

I want to first define the function, then use it in the plot command.

I know to define the function f(x) = |x|, I do

f := x -> |x|

...but how do I tell Maple to include the domain, -Pi <= x < Pi?

Thank you.

I right click my units and it does not give units to simplify

hi all,

swapping variables in the export line of a module changes its behavior.

First Example (works fine):

mp:= module() option package;
export mult, f2;
mult:=proc(v) return(3*v) end proc;
f2 :=proc(v) mult(v); end proc;
end module;


libname := libname, "E:\\tmp";


# Output: [f2,mult], 15, 12

Hi all.

I was trying to perform a simple integration and convert the answer to a inverse hyperbolic function as follows:




But the command convert fails to do the conversion. I should obtain arcosh(9/2*x)+c.   But the answer is in terms of the natural logarithm: ln(9*x+sqrt(81*x^2-4))

How do I manipulate the answer so that I can get the inverse hyperbolic answer?


I'd like to display a UNsimplified mathematical expression in a Mathcontainer component using a Button component. In Maple Help under Mathcontainer, it is writing that we can display a unsimplified expression using the value attribut. For example:

Do(%Mathcontainer0(value) = a^2*b/a);

should display the unsimplified expression in the Mathcontainer0 component. And

 Do(%Mathcontainer0(expression) = a^2*b/a);

In a Button, this command enables us to display in a Mathcontainer a Delta  (Delta). 

D(%Mathcontainer0 = 'Delta');

However, I want to display Delta y. (Delta y). If I write

D(%Mathcontainer0 = 'Delta y');

As a user of Maple 13, namely in computations on General Relativity & Tensor Calculus, I would like to let you know I just got, using Maple 13, the WRONG SIGN (positive Riemann scalar curvature in stead of correct NEGATIVE Riemann scalar curvature) in studying a threefold used as a 'Public Space' by Milne many years ago.

The square of the distance on the said threefold is dE^2=dR^2+(c*t0)^2*sinh(R/(c*t0))^2*(dtheta^2+sin(theta)^2*dphi^2) and you might be interested...

My question is similar to the one referenced, but a bit more complicated.

Considering a PDE of order n, I would like it to be collected by the order of differentiation.

A simple example:

simplify(( (3+4*x)*diff(f(x), `$`(x, 2)))+(5+4*y+z)*(diff(f(x), x))+(1+r+y)*f(x))

where the idea is to return to the form prior to simplification, including the sort by differentiation order.

After it is simplified, I can get the coeff of only the highest order derivative, as

What's wrong?
I need to minimize (z-Z) T.E-1. (z-Z).
How can you see in the first Call to LSSolve worked. By introducing objectivejacobian I have problems

Assuming I have a general function f(x). The derivative with respect to x would be: df/dx .

I now want to rescale, which basically means that I want to change x to a*y where a is a parameter (general constant) and y is my new variable.

If I use

subs( x=a*y, df(x)/dx )

I get

d/d(a*y)  f(a*y)

but 'a' should be a parameter, so this should give

1/a * df(a*y)/dy = df(y)/dy

How do I tell that to Maple?


Assuming I have an expression, 'F', I would like to extract from it a factor, 'a', so the expression is displayed as


where F/a is a simplified (or expanded or any other displayed form) expression.

As an example:

F:=1 + Q*x2 + P*x3

a:=x2 / L2

then this will be displayed

x2 / L2 * ( L2 / x2 + Q*L2 + P*L2*x)

Hi all,

I've just added a reply to an old thread I opened some month ago, but I don't see the thread at the top of the recent questions. Where is it gone????

Should I re-open a thread?



ps the thread was this one:

Hi all,

is there some way to handle piecewise functions as if they were just another equation? In this case I´ve got a piecewise in 4 segments, one of them empty. The other segments are equations that solve a function for a variable under constraints, i.e. it shows somewhat like:

{(conditions1), q[O]=(...), (conditions2), q[O]=(...), (conditions3), q[O]=(...), else, []}

(I hope you get what I mean. The piecewise is a tad long and I wouldn´t...

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