Maple 13 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 13


 Every time im working with maple and answer is in term of sin or cos maple dont calculate them for example it give me sin(pi/2) but i want it himself know that sin(pi/2)=1 some times i use of [eval] but it again dont calculate it what i should do?


While using the RKF45 in MAPLE to solve ODE w.r.t. time, analysis results came out without any information regarding a total number of iterations or a total number of time steps used in the actual analysis.


I would like to know how can this information be checked in the MAPLE.


Thank you very much.


> solve({lambda[2]*mu[2]^2*(lambda[2]+mu[2])*lambda[1]/(4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)+lambda[2]*mu[2]*(mu[2]^2+mu[2]*lambda[2]+lambda[2]^2)*lambda[1]/(4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)+mu[2]^4*lambda[2]*lambda[1]/((lambda[1]+mu[2])*(4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4))+(1/2)*(mu[2]^3*lambda[1]+mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+lambda[1]*lambda[2]*mu[2]^2+mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+mu[2]*lambda[1]*lambda[2]^2+lambda[1]*lambda[2]^3)*lambda[2]*lambda[1]/((lambda[1]+mu[2])*(4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4))+3*mu[2]^4*lambda[1]/(4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)+mu[1]*mu[2]^4*lambda[1]/((4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)*(lambda[2]+mu[1]))+mu[2]^4*lambda[2]*lambda[1]/((4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)*(lambda[2]+mu[1]))+mu[2]^3*lambda[2]*lambda[1]/(4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)+(1/2)*(mu[2]^3*lambda[1]+mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+lambda[1]*lambda[2]*mu[2]^2+mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+mu[2]*lambda[1]*lambda[2]^2+lambda[1]*lambda[2]^3)*lambda[2]*lambda[1]/(4*mu[2]^5+4*mu[2]^4*lambda[1]+4*mu[2]^4*lambda[2]+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[1]*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]^2+3*lambda[1]*lambda[2]^2*mu[2]^2+2*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^3+2*lambda[1]*lambda[2]^3*mu[2]+mu[2]*lambda[2]^4+lambda[1]*lambda[2]^4)-3*mu[1]*mu[2]^4/(4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)+mu[1]*mu[2]^4*lambda[2]/((4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)*(lambda[2]+mu[1]))+mu[1]^2*mu[2]^4/((4*mu[2]^4+4*mu[2]^3*lambda[2]+3*mu[2]^2*lambda[2]^2+2*mu[2]*lambda[2]^3+lambda[2]^4)*(lambda[2]+mu[1])) < 0}, [lambda[1]]);
Warning, solutions may have been lost

HI all,


Let all variables be integers here.

I am trying to search 3 variables , "A","B",and "C" so that f(A*x2+B*x+C) factors into two binomials.

Here, f(y) = y2+y+19.

Choose a search space of 0<A<10 and 0<B<30 and 0<C<100.  

I am having some trouble with my Maple code.

Here is how far I got -





I use the following plot in Maple 13. I would like to have the colorbar also along with the plots. Help me to write the commands to get the colorbar.

> y0:=0;
> D[0](y):=1;
> D(D(y))[0]:=A;
> G(x):=diff(y(x),[x$3])=-1/2*y(x)*diff(y(x),[x$2]);
> for k from 1 to 12 do
> G(k):=D@@(k)(G)[0];
> value(G(k));
> od;
> for k from 1 to 12 do
> D@@(k)(y):=G[k];
> od;
> for k from 0 to 12 do
> y0:=y0+(G[k]/k!)*x^k;
> od;
> y(x):=y0;


how to evaulate the value of R(z) for different values of z=0 to 1 with an interval of 0.1 and print ten values  in one column

R(z):= 1-cos^2*(Pi*z);

why i can not evaluate 29 polynomial. maple try to evaluate last 7hr, how many time required too solve it?



I require help to plot graphs by changing differernt parameters. i am enclosing my codes and sample codes,

Thanks in advance.

Hai any one help me to plot the curves and remove the errors  i am attaching the codes and  sample graph. thanks in advanced.



I am unable to the get the output  in ans2 , error is comming


#dsolve( (ode), { v[1](r) } ):
IC1 := {v[1](0) = 0}:
ans2 := combine(dsolve(`union`(ode, IC1),{v[1](r)}));

 How to display the result in the desired form in partial differential equation and also collect the same terms

i am attaching sample codes

# we want the result out put  like this
A1 := lambda*(C[o]^2*exp(2*lambda*z)-D[o]^2*exp(-2*lambda*z))*(1-r^2):
#we want the  resultant output like this

 Any one can help me to solve the differential equations using maple to get the velocities u ,v and pressure p for the problem mentioned below

How do I save these fonts as my default ones?                                

"Maple Input: Arial 24, Red"

and "2D Output: Arial 18, Blue".

I am using Maple 13.

Thank you!


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