Maple 15 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 15


I am in need of help with Maple Linearize and an exremely crypitc and most un-helpful error message. What does this mean:

> linmod := Linearize(syss, parm, linp);
Error, invalid input: Linearize uses a 4th argument, linpoint (of type {list(`=`), set(`=`)}), which is missing

I can find nothing in the help in this.

Linearize works fine when running a sample program from the help files, but fails when I run my equations.  

Could you tel me, is it possible to get free trial version of Maple 15?


The Magma package introduced in Maple 15 includes the command Enumerate. This routine allows you to count, or list, isomorphism class representatives of magmas of a given (small) order satisfying a selection of properties that...

Hello all,

I've noticed that something has changed to the type of sqrt in Maple 15, which breaks backward compatibility...

In Maple 14, we have

> type(sqrt,procedure);          true
> type(sqrt,`module`); false
> eval(sqrt);          proc(x::algebraic, f::identical(symbolic))  ...  end proc

while in Maple 15, we have

> type(sqrt,procedure);          false
> type(sqrt,`module`); true

I'm putting together what will eventually be a rather large simulation system that I want to be able to maintain across a reasonably large organization. Do you have any recommendations for Source Code Control/Versioning systems that work with your .msim file format or should I resign our team to exporting/importing code back and forth into Modelica for source control?



Can anyone explain the method that was followed in "Box Discretization" scheme in Maple Help?

Am trying to discretize 4th order terms in space..... d^h/dX^4 and third and second order in the same way....

The Magma package in Maple 15 includes the command IsSubMagma.  This tests whether a specified subset of a magma is closed under the binary operation that defines the magma.  For example, consider the following Cayley table for a group of order four.

> with( Magma ):
> m := << 1, 2, 3, 4 |

Hi there,

I am plotting flow diagrams of a 2-dimensional system of autonomous 1st order ODEs x'=f(x). I have some free parameters in there, and am analyzing how the flow changes qualitatively when varying these.

To visualise my results I want to do some animations. The Explore command doesn't seem to like the DEplot command, or I am doing something wrong. So I use the animate command, which works fine, although I can only vary a single parameter with it.

Hi there,

Often an expression has more than one output, for example, when simply more solutions exist: sol1, sol2, ...

Then I would get the second solution by %[2]. So far so good.

Anyway sometimes the output is splited in cases, with the { notation. How do I read out a specific case of such a solution?

thx :)

Another feature added to Maple 15 partially in response to the MaplePrimes forums is the new/improved ?HTTP package.  It provides one-step commands for fetching data from the web: much simpler than using the ?Sockets package directly. In most cases, the command ?HTTP,Get is what you would use:

 (s, page, h) := HTTP:-Get(""):

The above fetches the HTML source of a page from Wikipedia and stores it as a string 'page'. The other two outputs are 's', and integer HTTP status code and 'h' a table of the headers returned in the HTTP response from the server.  Compare this to the amount of code needed to fetch data in my Baby Names application for Maple 12, for example.

I was wondering whether The Mathematics Survival Kit is now also available for Mac? When I downloaded it for version 14 it was a windows version which I was unable to use because I'm a Mac user... ;-( So I am concerned that when I buy it now for Maple 15 I might get another useless version...

In part due to a large number of requests on MaplePrimes, the command ?plottools,getdata was added to Maple 15. This new command gives programmers a better way to access the internals of plots and do things with the data they contain.

I was trying to come up with something really fun to do with this command, and another recent obsession came to mind: the game Minecraft.  Minecraft is nice, since like Maple it is written in Java and runs on lots of platforms!  For the uninitiated, Minecraft is a a sort of mostly unstructured "sandbox" game. The player starts in alone in a procedurally generated landscape consisting of blocks. They player can collect blocks with their hands or with tools and they use them to build new things. The wide array of things that people create in Minecraft is staggering.

So, I thought I would write some commands to export 3D plots in Maple to block structures in Minecraft.

Classic Triangle Peg Board GameIn high school I was briefly fascinated by a triangular "jump all but one" game, commonly found at Cracker Barrel restaurants.  The basic premise is that any peg can "jump" over an adjacent peg to occupy the empty hole next to the jumped peg.  The jumped peg is then removed.  The goal is to continue jumping pegs until there is only one left.  

The instructions on the face of the Cracker Barrel version of this game say, "LEAVE ONLY ONE -- YOU'RE A GENIUS".  Wanting to claim the right to call myself a genius, unlike ordinary kids, who might just play the game a few times, I sat down on my Turbo-XT and started writing BASIC code.  The algorithm I came up with ran a bit slow, so I directed output to my printer and let it run over night.  In the morning the program was still chugging along.  I advanced the paper feed on the dot-matrix lineprinter -- the kind that used continuous feed paper with perforated edges and holes on each side.   Into view came 3 solutions represented by a string of numbers.   A quick check verified that I was now a genius.  

Now that Maple 15 is out, I thought I should share this little application I made: It is an application partially inspired by the BMI tracker in Nintendo's WiiFit application; you could easily use it to track a weight loss goal. But it could also be used to track other quantifiable goals. I am posting it here mostly because it takes advantage of two new features in Maple 15.

I just downloaded Maple 15 and am trying to install on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine.


About halfway through the installation, there is a step where you are either supposed to supply the path to a batch file that will supply the environment variables that will locate Microsoft Visual C compiler, or supply them later as an option. The instructions say that Maple has a default batch file that will do this, but when that option is chosen, nothing shows up in...

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