Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

Hi everyone, i want to draw 3d graphics of fractional solution with given by Mittag Leffler function in cantor sets. I want to see like this graphic. I added maple file. Thanks in advance.

Hi, dear community,
I have a Maple package "rath" for finding the traveling wave solution of differential equations. But I am not able to loading in Maple 18. Please see this attached zip folder and need help in this regard.
Kind regard




How to plot u(t)= z'(t) with respect to x, y, z?

  Here,  z(t)=y'(t), y(t)=x'(t).

where, x(t)= z^3(t), y(t)= z^3(t)/2, z(t) = (a- b), a, b are time interval.

How to solve the matrix for u(t) and plot phase trajector?

How to solve this differential equation numerically

eq:=diff(f(tau), tau) =Af(tau) +Lf(tau) +C+Bf(tau)


I have a difficulty with a function used in procedure. The procedure uses a multivariable function and if the specific choice of the function is not made the procedure seems to give proper result, but In case I make a specific choice of the function and then try use this procedure gives me incorrect result.

To be more exact I use Physics package (there is a need to calcute combinations of covariant derivates ). The calculations are performed in a curved space with a defined metric.

So here is the procedure:

SD2 := proc (psi) SumOverRepeatedIndices(g_[`~kappa`, `~lambda`]*(d_[kappa](d_[lambda](psi(X)))-Christoffel[`~sigma`, kappa, lambda]*d_[sigma](psi(X))))^2-SumOverRepeatedIndices(g_[`~kappa`, `~rho`]*(d_[kappa](d_[lambda](psi(X)))-Christoffel[`~sigma`, kappa, lambda]*d_[sigma](psi(X)))*g_[`~lambda`, `~tau`]*(d_[rho](d_[tau](psi(X)))-Christoffel[`~gamma`, rho, tau]*d_[gamma](psi(X)))) end proc;

If I turn to the procedure :


the result is  correct.

But  then I specify a psi function:

psi:=(t,r,x,y,z)->chi(r)+q*t;(here q is supposed to be a constant)

and turn to the procedure once again:


It gives me a wrong result.

I don't know what is the reason.

Thank you.






System of equations with boundary conditions are moving?

Also, find the values of unknown variables?

Hey everyone,

f_1 and f_2  are satisfying the set of non-linear integral equations I have attached to this message.
I know that I need to solve them numerically by iterations. Probably, the first guest of the function f_1 and f_2  is the driving term. a is just a parameter which can be fixed (I guess smaller than \pi/4). * is the convolution product and k is the momentum space parameter. I learnt that in order to solve them I should solve them in the Fourier space. I know also that I need to discretize these function in the “real ” space between {-L,+L} before applying the FFT or one of its relatives. Thank you for any suggestions or leads.

Dear all

I have  Lie commutations for vectors e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 as follow:

[e1, e3] = e3, [e1, e4] = e4, [e1, e5] = e5, [e1, e6] = e6, [e2, e3] = -e5, [e2, e4] = e6, [e3, e5] = e6

for which the command 


returns the false result, which means, the vectors are not closed under Jacobi's identity. How can I find vector triplets for which Jacobi's identity does not hold?

Please find Maple



M__h := 0.352e-1;







































pdes := [diff(B(t, x), t) = M__h-beta__1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h+beta__2*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-mu__h*B(t, x)+sigma__h*E(t, x)*(diff(B(t, x), x, x)), diff(C(t, x), t) = beta__1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-u[1]*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))-mu__h*C(t, x)*(diff(C(t, x), x, x)), diff(DD(t, x), t) = beta__2*DD(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-u[1]*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-mu__h*DD(t, x)-delta__1*DD(t, x)*(diff(DD(t, x), x, x)), diff(E(t, x), t) = u[1]*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))+u[1]*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-(mu__h+sigma__h)*E(t, x)*(diff(E(t, x), x, x)), diff(F(t, x), t) = M__b-beta__3*F(t, x)*C(t, x)/N__b+beta__4*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)/N__b-mu__b*F(t, x)*(diff(F(t, x), x, x)), diff(G(t, x), t) = beta__3*F(t, x)*C(t, x)/N__b+beta__4*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)/N__b-mu__b*G(t, x)*(diff(G(t, x), x, x))];

[diff(B(t, x), t) = 0.352e-1-0.891056911e-1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.96e-2*B(t, x)+0.8910e-1*E(t, x)*(diff(diff(B(t, x), x), x)), diff(C(t, x), t) = .6791869919*B(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.45e-1*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))-0.96e-2*C(t, x)*(diff(diff(C(t, x), x), x)), diff(DD(t, x), t) = .5900813008*DD(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.45e-1*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-0.96e-2*DD(t, x)-0.235e-1*DD(t, x)*(diff(diff(DD(t, x), x), x)), diff(E(t, x), t) = 0.45e-1*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))+0.45e-1*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-0.9870e-1*E(t, x)*(diff(diff(E(t, x), x), x)), diff(F(t, x), t) = .7214-.1739837398*F(t, x)*C(t, x)+.1780487805*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)-1.354*F(t, x)*(diff(diff(F(t, x), x), x)), diff(G(t, x), t) = .1739837398*F(t, x)*C(t, x)+.1780487805*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)-1.354*G(t, x)*(diff(diff(G(t, x), x), x))]


bcs := [(D[2](B))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](B))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 1) = 0, B(0, x) = 100, C(0, x) = 70, DD(0, x) = 50, E(0, x) = 70, F(0, x) = 100, G(0, x) = 70]

[(D[2](B))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](B))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 1) = 0, B(0, x) = .100, C(0, x) = .70, DD(0, x) = .50, E(0, x) = .70, F(0, x) = .100, G(0, x) = .70]


sol := pdsolve(pdes, bcs, numeric);

module () local INFO; export plot, plot3d, animate, value, settings; option `Copyright (c) 2001 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights reserved.`; end module


sol:-plot3d([B(t, x), C(t, x)], t = 0 .. 20, x = 0 .. 20)

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/plot3d) unable to compute solution for t>HFloat(0.25):
Newton iteration is not converging







M__h := 0.352e-1;







































pdes := [diff(B(t, x), t) = M__h-beta__1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h+beta__2*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-mu__h*B(t, x)+sigma__h*E(t, x)*(diff(B(t, x), x, x)), diff(C(t, x), t) = beta__1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-u[1]*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))-mu__h*C(t, x)*(diff(C(t, x), x, x)), diff(DD(t, x), t) = beta__2*DD(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-u[1]*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-mu__h*DD(t, x)-delta__1*DD(t, x)*(diff(DD(t, x), x, x)), diff(E(t, x), t) = u[1]*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))+u[1]*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-(mu__h+sigma__h)*E(t, x)*(diff(E(t, x), x, x)), diff(F(t, x), t) = M__b-beta__3*F(t, x)*C(t, x)/N__b+beta__4*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)/N__b-mu__b*F(t, x)*(diff(F(t, x), x, x)), diff(G(t, x), t) = beta__3*F(t, x)*C(t, x)/N__b+beta__4*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)/N__b-mu__b*G(t, x)*(diff(G(t, x), x, x))];

[diff(B(t, x), t) = 0.352e-1-0.891056911e-1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.96e-2*B(t, x)+0.8910e-1*E(t, x)*(diff(diff(B(t, x), x), x)), diff(C(t, x), t) = .6791869919*B(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.45e-1*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))-0.96e-2*C(t, x)*(diff(diff(C(t, x), x), x)), diff(DD(t, x), t) = .5900813008*DD(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.45e-1*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-0.96e-2*DD(t, x)-0.235e-1*DD(t, x)*(diff(diff(DD(t, x), x), x)), diff(E(t, x), t) = 0.45e-1*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))+0.45e-1*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-0.9870e-1*E(t, x)*(diff(diff(E(t, x), x), x)), diff(F(t, x), t) = .7214-.1739837398*F(t, x)*C(t, x)+.1780487805*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)-1.354*F(t, x)*(diff(diff(F(t, x), x), x)), diff(G(t, x), t) = .1739837398*F(t, x)*C(t, x)+.1780487805*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)-1.354*G(t, x)*(diff(diff(G(t, x), x), x))]


bcs := [(D[2](B))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](B))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 1) = 0, B(0, x) = 100, C(0, x) = 70, DD(0, x) = 50, E(0, x) = 70, F(0, x) = 100, G(0, x) = 70]

[(D[2](B))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](B))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 1) = 0, B(0, x) = .100, C(0, x) = .70, DD(0, x) = .50, E(0, x) = .70, F(0, x) = .100, G(0, x) = .70]


sol := pdsolve(pdes, bcs, numeric);

module () local INFO; export plot, plot3d, animate, value, settings; option `Copyright (c) 2001 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights reserved.`; end module


sol:-plot3d([B(t, x), C(t, x)], t = 0 .. 20, x = 0 .. 20)

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/plot3d) unable to compute solution for t>HFloat(0.25):
Newton iteration is not converging





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