Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

Hello everybody,

Since I am geting older, I need to fix the font size form 12 to 14.  I have been tryong to find where to do that permanent change.  But without success.  Could someone help to to resolve this problem.  Thank you in advance for your help.


Mario Lemelin
Maple 18 Ubuntu 13.10 - 64 bits
Maple 18 Win 7 - 64 bits messagerie : téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

Say I have this list,

tmp:=[[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0]];

and the sums of each element (list),



How do I quickly pickup the elements, where they sum to 3? Like this:

wanttohave:=[[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 2],  [1, 2, 0]];


When I try "touch and drag" in Maple documents, the documentation for example, I end up selecting text instead of scrolling. Unfortunately the alternatives for scrolling are a) the scrollbar, b) page-up/down or c) moving the cursor. Each of those alternatives is about 2.5311 orders of magnitude more inconvenient than touch&drag.

Does anybody know if its possible to get Maple (18) to scroll instead of select text when I touch the screen?


m 18 cubacuhre integration fail, intergrand unknown

restartprintlevel = 3binomial(7, 2); with(StringTools); FormatTime(%c)with(LinearAlgebra); with(IntegrationTools)with(numapprox); with(OrthogonalSeries); LinearAlgebra:-HermitianTranspose(3-I*7)infolevel[`evalf/int`] := 4; pie = evalf(Pi)n = 1l = 0m = 0n1 = 1l1 = 0m1 = 0alpha = 5.8alpha1 = 4.2R = .5Theta = (1/6)*PiPhi = 3*Pi*(1/4)region := [r = 0 .. infinity, theta = 0 .. Pi, phi = 0 .. 2*Pi]r1 := proc (r, theta, phi, R, Theta, Phi) options operator, arrow; (r^2+R^2-2*r*R*(sin(theta)*sin(Theta)*cos(phi-Phi)+cos(theta)*cos(Theta)))^(1/2) end proc"coef:=(l1,l2,m1,m2)->(-1)^(l1-l2) (((4 *pie *(2 l1+1)!)/((2 l1-2 l2+1)!*(2 l2+1)!))*("
"(binomial(l1+m1,l2+m2)*binomial(l1-m1,l2m2))/(binomial(2* l1,2* l2)))())^(1/(2));NN:=(n,alpha)->((2 alpha)^(n+(1)/(2)))/(((2 n)!)^((1)/(2)));  "

integrand := sum(sum(R^(l1-l2)*SphericalY(l1-l2, m1-m2, Theta, Phi)*coef(l1, l2, m1, m2)*r^(2+l+l2)*SphericalY(l2, m2, theta, phi)*LinearAlgebra:-HermitianTranspose(SphericalY(l, m, theta, phi))*NN(n, alpha)*r^(n-l-1)*exp(-alpha.r)*NN(n1, alpha1)*r1(r, theta, phi, R, Theta, Phi)^(n1-l1-1)*exp(-alpha1*r1(r, theta, phi, R, Theta, Phi))*sin(theta), m2 = -l2 .. l2), l2 = 0 .. l1)

evalf(Int(integrand, region, 'epsilon' = 0.1e-3, 'method = _CubaCuhre'));

binomial(7, 3)region4 := [x = 0 .. 10*Pi, y = 0 .. 10*Pi]

integrand4 := (cos(x)+(1/3)*sin(y))^6*(sin(y)-(1/3)*cos(x))^2

evalf(Int(integrand4, region4, 'epsilon' = 0.1e-3, 'method = _CubaCuhre'))





m 18 cubacuhre integration fail, intergrand unknown





I am completely new to Maple (and this kind of software in general).

I am just on my first steps of learning...but I quickly noticed, that if I write Pi and hit enter, I do not get

the well-known greek Pi-symbol. I get an ordinary "p" as the result.

I checked the greek-palette...nearly all items in this palette are ordinary letters.

Does anyone have an idea whats wrong?

BTW: I don`t know if it could have to do with that, but I use a german windows 7 installation.


Thank you,



Please see the attached worksheet for the error at the end, any idea what happens?

Besides, anyone know how to make plot array with each element has a plot and scatterplot in it?  I made my plot by making table first and then type the cmd individually.

Raw Data


avicel102_aero200 := Matrix(12, 3, {(1, 1) = 50, (1, 2) = 1.6621, (1, 3) = .22, (2, 1) = 100, (2, 2) = 3.33221, (2, 3) = .103, (3, 1) = 150, (3, 2) = 4.95533, (3, 3) = 0.43e-1, (4, 1) = 200, (4, 2) = 5.62147, (4, 3) = 0.37e-1, (5, 1) = 50, (5, 2) = 1.88627, (5, 3) = .207, (6, 1) = 50, (6, 2) = 1.90375, (6, 3) = .199, (7, 1) = 100, (7, 2) = 4.04708, (7, 3) = 0.89e-1, (8, 1) = 100, (8, 2) = 4.20413, (8, 3) = 0.87e-1, (9, 1) = 150, (9, 2) = 5.50509, (9, 3) = 0.41e-1, (10, 1) = 150, (10, 2) = 4.90453, (10, 3) = 0.49e-1, (11, 1) = 200, (11, 2) = 6.22001, (11, 3) = 0.16e-1, (12, 1) = 200, (12, 2) = 6.24435, (12, 3) = 0.23e-1}); avicel102_syloid := Matrix(13, 3, {(1, 1) = 50, (1, 2) = 1.76578, (1, 3) = .235, (2, 1) = 100, (2, 2) = 4.08314, (2, 3) = .128, (3, 1) = 150, (3, 2) = 4.85921, (3, 3) = 0.73e-1, (4, 1) = 200, (4, 2) = 5.66786, (4, 3) = 0.51e-1, (5, 1) = 50, (5, 2) = 2.06221, (5, 3) = .224, (6, 1) = 50, (6, 2) = 2.17294, (6, 3) = .216, (7, 1) = 100, (7, 2) = 4.03728, (7, 3) = .109, (8, 1) = 100, (8, 2) = 3.67978, (8, 3) = .116, (9, 1) = 150, (9, 2) = 5.78427, (9, 3) = 0.6e-1, (10, 1) = 150, (10, 2) = 5.43599, (10, 3) = 0.59e-1, (11, 1) = 200, (11, 2) = 6.26332, (11, 3) = 0.38e-1, (12, 1) = 200, (12, 2) = 6.10814, (12, 3) = 0.39e-1, (13, 1) = 200, (13, 2) = 6.83857, (13, 3) = 0.25e-1}); avicel301_101_aero200 := Matrix(12, 3, {(1, 1) = 50, (1, 2) = 1.106, (1, 3) = .2597543205, (2, 1) = 50, (2, 2) = 1.06, (2, 3) = .2564849561, (3, 1) = 50, (3, 2) = 1.129, (3, 3) = .2552025392, (4, 1) = 100, (4, 2) = 2.865, (4, 3) = .1280363098, (5, 1) = 100, (5, 2) = 2.793, (5, 3) = .127659333, (6, 1) = 100, (6, 2) = 3.088, (6, 3) = .1347147061, (7, 1) = 150, (7, 2) = 4.216, (7, 3) = 0.802489497e-1, (8, 1) = 150, (8, 2) = 4.044, (8, 3) = 0.838493001e-1, (9, 1) = 150, (9, 2) = 4.071, (9, 3) = 0.855901289e-1, (10, 1) = 200, (10, 2) = 4.826, (10, 3) = 0.627298821e-1, (11, 1) = 200, (11, 2) = 4.924, (11, 3) = 0.614759445e-1, (12, 1) = 200, (12, 2) = 4.76, (12, 3) = 0.61001365e-1})




X[1] := Column(avicel102_aero200, 3):

X[2] := Column(avicel102_syloid, 3):

X[3] := Column(avicel301_101_aero200, 3):

S := Array(1 .. 3):

S[1] := ScatterPlot(X[1], Y[1], labels = [Porocity, Tensile*Strength], title = Compactability*of*Avicel102*with*Aerosil200):



vSST := Array(1 .. 3):

tpfit := proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; Fit(a*exp(-k*p)+c, x, y, p, output = [leastsquaresfunction, residualsumofsquares, degreesoffreedom]) end proc:SST := proc (y) options operator, arrow; Variance(y)*(NumElems(y)-1) end proc:NULL

for i to 3 do fnTP[i] := tpfit(X[i], Y[i])[1] end do:

for i to 3 do fnPC[i] := Fit(c*p^2+b*p+a, P[i], X[i], p, output = [leastsquaresfunction, residualsumofsquares, degreesoffreedom])[1] end do:


for i to 3 do vSST[i] := SST(Y[i]) end do:

for i to 3 do pSST[i] := SST(X[i]) end do:


for i to 3 do vSSR[i] := tpfit(X[i], Y[i])[2] end do:

for i to 3 do Rsquare[i] := 1-vSSR[i]/vSST[i] end do:



s := Array(1 .. 3):

for i to 3 do s[i] := plot(fnTP[i], p = 0 .. .26, legend = typeset(fnTP[i], R^2, "= ", Rsquare[i])) end do

for i to 3 do ps[i] := plot(fnPC[i], p = 0 .. 200, legend = typeset(fnPC[i], R^2, "= ", pRsquare[i])) end do

G := Array(1 .. 3):

G[1] := [S[1], s[1]]:

pG := [[PS[1], ps[1]], [PS[2], ps[2]], [PS[3], ps[3]]]:NULL


Table 1: Compactability Curve












Table 2: Compressibility Curve











ff := proc (x) options operator, arrow; unapply(x, p) end proc:

gtp := map(ff, fnTP):

gpc := map(ff, fnPC):

TS1 := proc (pressure) options operator, arrow; (`@`(gtp[1], gpc[1]))(pressure/Unit('MPa'))*Unit('MPa') end proc:

TS2 := proc (pressure) options operator, arrow; (`@`(gtp[2], gpc[2]))(pressure/Unit('MPa'))*Unit('MPa') end proc:

TS3 := proc (pressure) options operator, arrow; (`@`(gtp[3], gpc[2]))(pressure/Unit('MPa'))*Unit('MPa') end proc:

por1 := proc (p) options operator, arrow; gpc[1](p/Unit('MPa')) end proc:












ts := 2/3*(10*P/(Pi*D^2*(2.84*t/D-.126*t/W+3.15*W/D+0.1e-1))):

Target Weight of Tablet, m__t:

m__t := 700*Unit('mg')



Tablet True Density:NULL

`ρ__true1` := 1.8*Unit('g'/'cm'^3)



Width of tablet w;

d := 7.747*Unit('mm')



Length of tablet, l:

l := 17.018*Unit('mm')



Cup Depth, h:

hh := 1.6764*Unit('mm')



Cup Volume", `v__cup`"

v__cup := 119.789438*Unit('mm'^3)



Die cross sectional area, v__die:

a__die := 118.9610524*Unit('mm'^2)



Equation to solve tablet thickness using tablet dimension and porocity:

Tablet bulk density:

`ρ__bulk` := `ρ__true`*sf



Tablet volume:``

V__tablet := 2*V__cup+A__die*(t-2*H)




Tablet bulk Density:``

`ρ__bulk` := m__tablet/V__tablet




eq1 := m__tablet/(2*V__cup+A__die*(t-2*H)) = `ρ__true`*sf

m__tablet/(2*V__cup+A__die*(t-2*H)) = `ρ__true`*sf


Function for thickness:

thickness := unapply(simplify(solve(eq1, t), size), sf, A__die, H, V__cup, `ρ__true`, m__tablet)

proc (sf, A__die, H, V__cup, `ρ__true`, m__tablet) options operator, arrow; (2*sf*(A__die*H-V__cup)*`ρ__true`+m__tablet)/(A__die*sf*`ρ__true`) end proc


simplify(thickness(1-por[1](100*Unit(MPa)), a__die, hh, v__cup, `ρ__true1`, m__t))



t2 := proc (cc, A__die, H, V__cup, `ρ__true`, m__tablet) options operator, arrow; simplify(thickness(1-cc, A__die, H, V__cup, `ρ__true`, m__tablet)) end proc:




Tablet tensile strength:NULL

eq2 := `σ__t` = ts

`σ__t` = (20/3)*P/(Pi*D^2*(2.84*t/D-.126*t/W+3.15*W/D+0.1e-1))


Break force of tablet (N)

breakforce := unapply(subs(W = t-2*h, solve(eq2, P)), `σ__t`, D, h, t)

proc (`σ__t`, D, h, t) options operator, arrow; 0.9424777961e-3*`σ__t`*D*(5.*D*(t-2*h)-63.*t*D+1575.*(t-2*h)^2+1420.*t*(t-2*h))/(t-2*h) end proc



kp := simplify(breakforce(TS[1](100*Unit('MPa')), d, hh, 0.5719e-2*Unit('m')))



convert(kp, units, kilopond)



t2(por[1](100*Unit('MPa')), a__die, hh, v__cup, `ρ__true1`, m__t)







simplify(breakforce(TS[1](100*Unit('MPa')), d, hh, t2(por[1](100*Unit('MPa')), a__die, hh, v__cup, `ρ__true1`, m__t)))



Encounter problem while chaning variable

proc (`σ__t`, D, p, A__die, hhh, V__cup, `ρ__true`, m__tablet) options operator, arrow; breakforce(`σ__f`, D, hhh, t2(p, A__die, hhh, V__cup, `ρ__true`, m__tablet)) end proc:

BF(TS1(100*Unit('MPa')), d, por1(100*Unit('MPa')), a__die, hh, v__cup, `ρ__true1`, m__t)

BF(HFloat(3.6712504621161846)*Units:-Unit('MPa'), 7.747*Units:-Unit('mm'), HFloat(0.09859999999999991), 118.9610524*Units:-Unit(('mm')^2), 1.6764*Units:-Unit('mm'), 119.789438*Units:-Unit(('mm')^3), 1420.00*Units:-Unit(('kg')/('m')^3), 667*Units:-Unit('mg'))





plot(breakforce(TS1(x), d, hh, t2(por1(x), a__die, hh, v__cup, `ρ__true1`, m__t)), x = Unit('MPa') .. 200*Unit('MPa'), useunits = true)

Error, (in Units:-Standard:-+) the units `1` and `1/MPa` have incompatible dimensions


plot(t2(por1(x), a__die, hh, v__cup, `ρ__true1`, m__t), x = Unit('MPa') .. 200*Unit('MPa'), useunits = true)

Error, (in Units:-Standard:-+) the units `1` and `1/MPa` have incompatible dimensions


plot(evalf(por1(xx)), xx = 10 .. 200)


but por1 works fine on its own with units

por1(Units:-Standard:-`*`(200, Unit('MPa')))



plot(evalf(por1(xx)), xx = 10 .. 200);


Unloading Units:-Standard















I also used a lot for for loop in this worksheet, can anyone suggest another way of doing it? And I think I initiated many Array(1..3) that is of no use.  But if I do not initiate and do the following

A[1]:=a : 




output: A

Only if I initiate A:=Array(1..3) and then define the element I can see the complete A array at the end.


Please advise as to the proper coding entries needed in the triple integration palette  to transform from the Cartesian placeholders x;y;z to spherical coordinates rho; theta; phi so that the triple integration palette can be used in spherical coordinmates. Dr. Lopez alreadyb has a standalone template which does this but I would like to set a palette option for spherical  calculations.



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