Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016


I am trying to define a statespace object. Here my code reads:




Error, (in DynamicSystems:-StateSpace) unsupported type of index, t

I do not have any clue what is wrong with my code.


Any help will be really appreciated.


I want to extract lists that are term by term smaller than a fix one.

To be clearer, I want to create something like

if a[i] <= b[i] for all i=1..min(nops(a),nops(b)) then ...

I tried with the forall call, but it doesn't work:

if forall( i=1..min(nops(a),nops(b)),a[i] <= b[i]) then ...

I also tried the assuming call with the is call. It works, but doesnt't give me the result I want:


if is(a[i] <= b[i]) assuming(1 <= i, i <= min(nops(a),nops(b))) then...

Is there a way to have a chain of conditions in a if statement like I am trying to do?

1. y''(x)+10y(x)=99sin(x), y(0)=1, y'(0)=11 in the interval [0,100]

the exact solution is y(x)=cos(10x)+sin(10x)+sin(x)


2. y'=z, y(0)=1

    z'=-y(x)+x, z(0)=2

    the exact solutions are y(x)=cos(x)+sin(x)+x, z(x)=cos(x)-sin(10x)+1


i need to find equation of intersection between a plane(Z=0)  and 3d curve like below:

plane :  Z=0



I ploted Z=0 plane and that curve . it is like this .
i want equation of the pointed curve(curve equation of intersection between Z=  and curve )in bellow  such as k=f(G) .

best regards

The worksheet below animates the flattening of a tetrahedron by expanding one of its faces, namely its triangular base.

I would like to animate the flattening of an octahedron so that it assumes the 2D figure resembling the Morley triangle which is included in the worksheet.

Are there documents on the web explaining the technique for doing so? Is there a Maple worksheet available on the web demonstrating the desired animation?

Hi, my codes ran smoothly well until I changed some assignment value. It reported invalid object error.

Error, Got internal error in Typesetting:-Parse:-Postprocess : "internal error: invalid object "

Part of the codes are as follows:

""sigma:=0.00002:    m:=5:   n:=4:
Error, Got internal error in Typesetting:-Parse:-Postprocess : "internal error: invalid object "

Could anyone give some hints on what goes wrong here? It seems to be a configuration issue but I completely have no clue..

Thanks a million in advance,






please where is the problem 


eq1 := (D(x))(t) = -y(t);

eq2 := (D(y))(t) = x(t)+2*x(t)^3-signum(z(t));

eq3 := (D(z))(t) = w(t);

eq4 := (D(w))(t) = -z(t)*(1+6*x(t)^2);

sys := eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4;

ic1 := [x(0) = 0, y(0) = 0, z(0) = cos(1), w(0) = sin(1)];

ic2 := [x(0) = 0, y(0) = 0, z(0) = cos(2.5), w(0) = sin(2.5)];

ic := ic1, ic2;

DEplot([sys], [x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)], t = 0 .. 10, [ic], stepsize = 0.5e-1, scene = [x(t), y(t)], linecolor = [blue, red]);


T := 10.0 ; N := 100 ; h := T/N;

xk := 0;

for k from 1 to N do

 solk := sol1(k*h);

  xknew := subs(solk,x(t));

 yknew := subs(solk,y(t));

 if xk*xknew<=0 and abs(yknew-6)<0.5 then break fi;

 xk := xknew;

od; sol1(k*h);

temps := proc(alpha,eps)

local sol,solk,T,N,h,k,xk,xknew,yknew,t0,t1,tm,x0,x1,xm;

sol := dsolve({sys,x(0)=0,y(0)=0,z(0)=cos(alpha),w(0)=sin(alpha)},{x(t),y(t),z(t),w(t)},type=numeric);

T := 10.0 ; N := 100 ; h := T/N;

xk := 0;

for k from 1 to N do

 solk := sol(k*h);

  xknew := subs(solk,x(t));

 yknew := subs(solk,y(t));

 if xk*xknew<=0 and abs(yknew-6)<0.5 then break fi;

 xk := xknew;


t0 := (k-1)*h ; t1 := k*h ;

x0 := subs(sol(t0),x(t)) ; x1 := subs(sol(t1),x(t)) ;

while abs(x0-x1)>eps do

 tm := (t0+t1)/2;

 xm := subs(sol(tm),x(t));

 if xm*x0<0 then x1 := xm; t1:=tm;

            else x0 := xm; t0:=tm;






dicho := proc(eps)

local a,b,m,sola,solb,solm,ta,tb,tm,ya,yb,ym;

a := 1 ; b := 2.5 ;

sola := dsolve({sys,x(0)=0,y(0)=0,z(0)=cos(a),w(0)=sin(a)},{x(t),y(t),z(t),w(t)},type=numeric);

solb := dsolve({sys,x(0)=0,y(0)=0,z(0)=cos(b),w(0)=sin(b)},{x(t),y(t),z(t),w(t)},type=numeric);

ta := temps(a,eps) ; tb := temps(b,eps) ;

ya := subs(sola(ta),y(t)) ; yb := subs(solb(tb),y(t)) ;

while abs(yb-ya)>eps do

m := evalf((a+b)/2);

solm := dsolve({sys,x(0)=0,y(0)=0,z(0)=cos(m),w(0)=sin(m)},{x(t),y(t),z(t),w(t)},type=numeric);

tm := temps(m,eps) ;

yb := subs(sol(tm),y(t));

 if (ym-6)*(ya-6)<0 then b := m; yb := ym;

            else a := m; ya := ym;









DEplot([sys], [x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)], t = 0 .. 8.7375, [[x(0)=0,y(0)=0,z(0)=cos(2.136718750),w(0)=sin(2.136718750)]], stepsize = 0.5e-1, scene = [x(t), y(t)], linecolor = [blue]);



Error, (in dsolve/numeric/process_input) system must be entered as a set/list of expressions/equations

 Hi guys,
I am trying write a code for homotopy perturbation, i have already generated the polynomial as you can see, i have also  solve for concentration equation since is not couple. But i have a lot of error massages for temperature, velocity and induced magnetic field. can some one please go through the code?



PDEtools[declare](f(x),theta(x),u(x),w(x), prime=x):

f(x)*`will now be displayed as`*f


theta(x)*`will now be displayed as`*theta


u(x)*`will now be displayed as`*u


w(x)*`will now be displayed as`*w


`derivatives with respect to`*x*`of functions of one variable will now be displayed with '`


N := 4:






theta(x) := sum(p^i*theta[i](x), i = 0 .. N);




u(x) := sum(p^i*u[i](x), i = 0 .. N);




w(x) := sum(p^i*w[i](x), i = 0 .. N);



HPMEq := (1-p)*(diff(f(x), `$`(x, 2)))+p*(diff(f(x), `$`(x, 2))-k1*(diff(f(x), x))-k2*f(x));

(1-p)*(diff(diff(f[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(f[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(f[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(f[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(f[4](x), x), x)))+p*(diff(diff(f[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(f[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(f[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(f[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(f[4](x), x), x))-k1*(diff(f[0](x), x)+p*(diff(f[1](x), x))+p^2*(diff(f[2](x), x))+p^3*(diff(f[3](x), x))+p^4*(diff(f[4](x), x)))-k2*(f[0](x)+p*f[1](x)+p^2*f[2](x)+p^3*f[3](x)+p^4*f[4](x)))


HPMEr := (1-p)*(diff(theta(x), `$`(x, 2)))+p*(diff(theta(x), `$`(x, 2))-k11*(diff(theta(x), x))+k12*(diff(u(x), x))^2+k13*(diff(w(x), x))^2+k14*theta(x));

(1-p)*(diff(diff(theta[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(theta[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(theta[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(theta[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(theta[4](x), x), x)))+p*(diff(diff(theta[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(theta[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(theta[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(theta[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(theta[4](x), x), x))-k11*(diff(theta[0](x), x)+p*(diff(theta[1](x), x))+p^2*(diff(theta[2](x), x))+p^3*(diff(theta[3](x), x))+p^4*(diff(theta[4](x), x)))+k12*(diff(u[0](x), x)+p*(diff(u[1](x), x))+p^2*(diff(u[2](x), x))+p^3*(diff(u[3](x), x))+p^4*(diff(u[4](x), x)))^2+k13*(diff(w[0](x), x)+p*(diff(w[1](x), x))+p^2*(diff(w[2](x), x))+p^3*(diff(w[3](x), x))+p^4*(diff(w[4](x), x)))^2+k14*(theta[0](x)+p*theta[1](x)+p^2*theta[2](x)+p^3*theta[3](x)+p^4*theta[4](x)))


HPMEs := (1-p)*(diff(u(x), `$`(x, 2)))+p*(diff(u(x), `$`(x, 2))-R*(diff(u(x), x))-A-k8*w(x)-k7*u(x)+k5*theta(x)+k6*f(x));

(1-p)*(diff(diff(u[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(u[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(u[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(u[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(u[4](x), x), x)))+p*(diff(diff(u[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(u[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(u[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(u[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(u[4](x), x), x))-R*(diff(u[0](x), x)+p*(diff(u[1](x), x))+p^2*(diff(u[2](x), x))+p^3*(diff(u[3](x), x))+p^4*(diff(u[4](x), x)))-A-k8*(w[0](x)+p*w[1](x)+p^2*w[2](x)+p^3*w[3](x)+p^4*w[4](x))-k7*(u[0](x)+p*u[1](x)+p^2*u[2](x)+p^3*u[3](x)+p^4*u[4](x))+k5*(theta[0](x)+p*theta[1](x)+p^2*theta[2](x)+p^3*theta[3](x)+p^4*theta[4](x))+k6*(f[0](x)+p*f[1](x)+p^2*f[2](x)+p^3*f[3](x)+p^4*f[4](x)))


HPMEt := (1-p)*(diff(w(x), `$`(x, 2)))+p*(diff(w(x), `$`(x, 2))-R*(diff(w(x), x))+k9*u(x)-k10*w(x))

(1-p)*(diff(diff(w[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(w[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(w[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(w[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(w[4](x), x), x)))+p*(diff(diff(w[0](x), x), x)+p*(diff(diff(w[1](x), x), x))+p^2*(diff(diff(w[2](x), x), x))+p^3*(diff(diff(w[3](x), x), x))+p^4*(diff(diff(w[4](x), x), x))-R*(diff(w[0](x), x)+p*(diff(w[1](x), x))+p^2*(diff(w[2](x), x))+p^3*(diff(w[3](x), x))+p^4*(diff(w[4](x), x)))+k9*(u[0](x)+p*u[1](x)+p^2*u[2](x)+p^3*u[3](x)+p^4*u[4](x))-k10*(w[0](x)+p*w[1](x)+p^2*w[2](x)+p^3*w[3](x)+p^4*w[4](x)))


for i from 0 to N do equ[1][i] := coeff(HPMEq, p, i) = 0 end do;

diff(diff(f[0](x), x), x) = 0


diff(diff(f[1](x), x), x)-k1*(diff(f[0](x), x))-k2*f[0](x) = 0


diff(diff(f[2](x), x), x)-k2*f[1](x)-k1*(diff(f[1](x), x)) = 0


diff(diff(f[3](x), x), x)-k2*f[2](x)-k1*(diff(f[2](x), x)) = 0


diff(diff(f[4](x), x), x)-k1*(diff(f[3](x), x))-k2*f[3](x) = 0


for i from 0 to N do equa[1][i] := coeff(HPMEr, p, i) = 0 end do;

diff(diff(theta[0](x), x), x) = 0


diff(diff(theta[1](x), x), x)-k11*(diff(theta[0](x), x))+k12*(diff(u[0](x), x))^2+k13*(diff(w[0](x), x))^2+k14*theta[0](x) = 0


diff(diff(theta[2](x), x), x)+2*k13*(diff(w[0](x), x))*(diff(w[1](x), x))-k11*(diff(theta[1](x), x))+2*k12*(diff(u[0](x), x))*(diff(u[1](x), x))+k14*theta[1](x) = 0


diff(diff(theta[3](x), x), x)+k12*(2*(diff(u[0](x), x))*(diff(u[2](x), x))+(diff(u[1](x), x))^2)+k14*theta[2](x)+k13*(2*(diff(w[0](x), x))*(diff(w[2](x), x))+(diff(w[1](x), x))^2)-k11*(diff(theta[2](x), x)) = 0


diff(diff(theta[4](x), x), x)+k12*(2*(diff(u[0](x), x))*(diff(u[3](x), x))+2*(diff(u[1](x), x))*(diff(u[2](x), x)))-k11*(diff(theta[3](x), x))+k14*theta[3](x)+k13*(2*(diff(w[0](x), x))*(diff(w[3](x), x))+2*(diff(w[1](x), x))*(diff(w[2](x), x))) = 0


for i from 0 to N do equat[1][i] := coeff(HPMEs, p, i) = 0 end do;

diff(diff(u[0](x), x), x) = 0


diff(diff(u[1](x), x), x)-R*(diff(u[0](x), x))-A-k7*u[0](x)+k5*theta[0](x)+k6*f[0](x)-k8*w[0](x) = 0


diff(diff(u[2](x), x), x)-R*(diff(u[1](x), x))-k7*u[1](x)+k6*f[1](x)-k8*w[1](x)+k5*theta[1](x) = 0


diff(diff(u[3](x), x), x)-R*(diff(u[2](x), x))+k6*f[2](x)-k7*u[2](x)+k5*theta[2](x)-k8*w[2](x) = 0


diff(diff(u[4](x), x), x)-R*(diff(u[3](x), x))+k5*theta[3](x)+k6*f[3](x)-k7*u[3](x)-k8*w[3](x) = 0



for i from 0 to N do equati[1][i] := coeff(HPMEt, p, i) = 0 end do;

diff(diff(w[0](x), x), x) = 0


diff(diff(w[1](x), x), x)-R*(diff(w[0](x), x))-k10*w[0](x)+k9*u[0](x) = 0


diff(diff(w[2](x), x), x)-k10*w[1](x)+k9*u[1](x)-R*(diff(w[1](x), x)) = 0


diff(diff(w[3](x), x), x)-k10*w[2](x)+k9*u[2](x)-R*(diff(w[2](x), x)) = 0


diff(diff(w[4](x), x), x)+k9*u[3](x)-R*(diff(w[3](x), x))-k10*w[3](x) = 0


con[1][0] := f[0](-1) = 1, f[0](1) = 1:








"cond[1][0]:=theta[0](-1)=0.1, theta[0](1)=1,w[0](-1)=0, w[0](1)=0,u[0](-1)=0, u[0](1)=0:  for j from 1 to N do:  cond[1][j]:=theta[j](-1)=0, theta[j](1)=0,w[j](-1)=0, w[j](1)=0,u[j](-1)=0, u[j](1)=0:  end do:    for i from 0 to N do:  dsolve({equa[1][i],cond[1][i]},theta[i](x));  theta[i](x):=rhs(`%`):    end do:    theta(x):=evalf(simplify(sum(theta[n](x),n=0..N)));  convert(theta(x),'rational'); "

Error, (in dsolve) found the following equations not depending on the unknowns of the input system: {u[0](-1) = 0, u[0](1) = 0, w[0](-1) = 0, w[0](1) = 0}







"condi[1][0]:=theta[0](-1)=0.1, theta[0](1)=1,w[0](-1)=0, w[0](1)=0,u[0](-1)=0, u[0](1)=0,f[0](-1)=1, f[0](1)=1:  for j from 1 to N do:  condi[1][j]:=theta[j](-1)=0, theta[j](1)=0,w[j](-1)=0, w[j](1)=0,u[j](-1)=0, u[j](1)=0, f[j](-1)=0, f[j](1)=0:  end do:    for i from 0 to N do:  dsolve({equat[1][i],condi[1][i]},u[i](x));  u[i](x):=rhs(`%`):    end do:    u(x):=evalf(simplify(sum(u[n](x),n=0..N)))"

Error, (in dsolve) found the following equations not depending on the unknowns of the input system: {f[0](-1) = 1, f[0](1) = 1, w[0](-1) = 0, w[0](1) = 0, theta[0](-1) = 1/10, theta[0](1) = 1}





"condit[1][0]:=theta[0](-1)=0.1, theta[0](1)=1,w[0](-1)=0, w[0](1)=0,u[0](-1)=0, u[0](1)=0,f[0](-1)=1, f[0](1)=1:  for j from 1 to N do:  condit[1][j]:=theta[j](-1)=0, theta[j](1)=0,w[j](-1)=0, w[j](1)=0,u[j](-1)=0, u[j](1)=0, f[j](-1)=0, f[j](1)=0:  end do:    for i from 0 to N do:  dsolve({equati[1][i],condit[1][i]},w[i](x));  w[i](x):=rhs(`%`):    end do:    w(x):=evalf(simplify(sum(w[n](x),n=0..N)))"

Error, (in dsolve) found the following equations not depending on the unknowns of the input system: {f[0](-1) = 1, f[0](1) = 1, u[0](-1) = 0, u[0](1) = 0, theta[0](-1) = 1/10, theta[0](1) = 1}









Hi everyone,

I was wondering how I could modify the thickness of edges in a graph displayed as a Maple plot through DrawGraph. The point is, the graph comprises 100 vertices and 1000 edges. By default, edge thickness is set as 2 but due to the high number of edges I would like to set edge thickness to1 or even 0. How can I do so?

Here is an example with a random graph:

with(GraphTheory) : with(RandomGraphs) : G := RandomGraph(100, 1000) : DrawGraph(G)


Thank you very much

This worksheet is a modification to Kitonum's excellent

The mod adds the ability to display labelled contours for expressions in x and y defined parametrically.

Your comments are welcome.

How to improve menu speed in Maple 2016?

I am using Maple 2016, when I right click the equation, it really takes a long time to show the menu. It seems that the CPU usage and Memory usage is low, it should be fast as it is only a showing menu action, what's wrong with that?

The worksheet below rolls an ellipse along the y axis with constant energy.

How can the physics be enhanced to roll the ellipse along a non-linear curve (e.g. a sine curve) with constant energy?

Help create file Excel in ExcelTools, but error row 564?

Please help me? 


I am looking for the table containing the value m,vv and mm. and these values I can easily copy and paste in excel sheet. 

Plz suggest commands 



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