Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016

In the application whose link is below, an error message results when I right click the fsolve command and select explore.

I would like to explore changes to several of the parameters in the equations named "sys", especially the value of Qoutflow. Can this be done and, If so, how can the solved values, Q1, Q2, Q3, and H be graphed as the slider values of individual parameters values are modified?

I am attempting to reproduce the results claimed by for a band pass filter.

I have checked the circuit specification and found no errors.

Am I expecting too much or am I doing something wrong?

## Filter Requirements for Band-Pass, 4th order Butterworth
## Specifications: Optimize for Power, +Vs= 5, -Vs= -5
## Gain: 10 dB
## Passband: -3dB at 2kHz
## Stopband: -40dB at 40kHz
## Component Tolerances: Capacitor = 5%; Resistor = 1%; Inductor = 5%; Op Amp GBW = 20%

with(Syrup); Version;

ckt := "*60 kHz Band Pass Filter  \n\
vin 1   0 \n\
R1A 1   2 165k \n\
R1B 5   7 169k \n\
R2A 2   0 976 \n\
R2B 7   0 1k \n\
R3A 6   0 221 \n\
R3B 11  0 226 \n\
R4A 5   6 12.7k \n\
R4B 10 11 12.7k \n\
R5A 4   3 97.6k \n\
R5B 9   8 100k \n\
R98 3   0 1e9 \n\
R99 8   0 1e9 \n\
C1A 2   4 270pF \n\
C1B 7   9 270pF \n\
C2A 2   3 270pF \n\
C2B 7   8 270pF \n\
* \n\
X1A 6  3 5  NonIdealOpAmp \n\
X1B 11 8 10 NonIdealOpAmp \n\
.include Library:-NonIdealOpAmp \n\

volts, others := Solve(ckt, 'ac', 'returnall');
gain := eval(v[10]/vin, volts);
H := subs({A=80000, f0=15*10^6, Ro=100}, gain);
tf := evalf(H);
sys := TransferFunction(tf);


An error message during opening a Maple file is seen:

I put the file link in below. The Maple file has been saved as Maple 2016.

I will be grateful if you can recover the file. Thanks

I'm having a hard time trying to understand and use the various fitting functions.

For starters, if I copy and paste the code from the example on the Maple support Help page for NonlinearFit(), I'm not able to successfully execute the code. It gives the error:

Error, (in Statistics:-NonlinearFit) complex value encountered

I've attached my Maple file:


I have a very simple problem. When Maple displays long outputs I can only see a part of them. Here there is an example

On my previous versions of Maple I had a slider on the bottom of the page. How can I activate it in Maple 2016?

Thanks, Nicola

Hi everybody,

Why f generates the error "... orthopoly is not a module or member"

f := proc(n)
   uses orthopoly;
end proc;

as g works correctly ?

g := proc(n)
end proc;

Thanks in advance

How to calculate the following at point p=(xo,yo):

       n . del(u), u=u(x,y)

from the known function u, where n is the unit outward normal at p and the dot represents the dot product.

The objective is to create example PDE problems with Neumann BCs on irregular 2D domains.

Can someone help me to find graph of this type of solutions .

finalsol := exp(I*(-k*x+t*(k^2+2*rho^2-2*sigma^2)+theta))*rho*tanh(-2*k*rho*t+rho*x);

sol1 := eval(finalsol, [rho = .5, theta = .5, sigma = .5, k = .5]);

graph1 := plot3d(sol1, t = -5 .. 5, x = -5 .. 5, numpoints = 300, frames = 50, axes = framed, color = x, thickness = 5, axesfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24], labelfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24]);

ContPlot1 := contourplot(sol1, t = -20 .. 20, x = -20 .. 20, frames = 50, axes = framed, thickness = 5, numpoints = 300, a*xesfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24], labelfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24])


Dear All

I want to plot A long rod with length L and its cross-section is a rectangle

Quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0. Coeff's long and ugly expressions in their own right, but I know that a is nonzero, that there is at least one real solution, and that I want the largest.

So, question: How do I get Maple to return the -b/2a PLUS sqrt((b/2a)^2-c/a) solution?


This is a notional example

1/ I define a matrix through some procedure, for instance
p := k -> Matrix(3, 3, (i,j) -> i+j+k mod 3)

2/ Now I would like to animate the plot of matrices p(k) for successive values of k.
The red commend below doesn't work
N := 5:
plots[animate](Statistics[HeatMap], [ p(k) ], k=0..N, frames=N+1);

Could you please help me to fix this ?

Can somebody explain me these strange results ?


X := RandomVariable(Normal(1.0, 1.0)):
S := Sample(X, 10):

# naively... but it's not what I was expecting for
#                maybe a misuse of the 'normalize=truefalse' option ????
Likelihood(Normal(1.0, 1.0), S);
       # a strange answer

# 2nd way
A := Likelihood(Normal(m, 1.0), S):
evalf(subs(m=1.0, A));
   # this is the good answer

# third way
Likelihood(Normal(1.0, 1.0), S, 'normalize=false');
   4.48e-7    # a wrong answer


Thanks for your enlightenment

Can we use this euler lagrange command for the system of pde's?

If we have a system without lagrangian then euler opertor is applied corresponding to three dependent variables.

so we have three equations but in this euler lagrange command no dependent variable is mentioned.   

Using the Physics package (the newest updates for Maple 2016), I am trying to get a basic setup of fermions on a lattice. My lattice is indexed j=1,...,L for some length, L (I'm trying just for L=4 by hand). Using combinat and arraytools and lsit tools, I can generate my entire list of configurations from [0,0,0,..,0], [1,0,0,...,0], ..., [1,1,...,1]. I read through this which should be even more general than my problem, but I'm not getting the anti-commutation relationships to work out properly. In that link, the original poster is putting the kets in by hand, I would like to generate them.

So I have this:


Setup(quantumop={cre,ann}, algebrarules={%AntiCommutator(cre[j],ann[k])=I*KroneckerDelta[j,k],%AntiCommutator(cre[j],cre[k])=0, %AntiCommutator(ann[j],ann[k])=0})

and my algebra is defined. But if I try to compute AntiCommutator(ann[1],ann[1]) is doesn't evaluate it but computes AntiCommutator(cre[1],ann[2]) perfectly fine.


Okay. The algebra is defined, then I create my configurations by using a traingular array and then permutations (and some list/array tools to product vectors that look like [0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],...,[1,1,1,1])

Config_Gen := proc(Length)
global Configurations;
local fermionarray,n_n,V,Ln,i_i;
fermionarray:= Array(triangular[upper],1..Length+1,1..Length,fill=1);
for n_n from 1 to Length+1 do
V[n_n] := fermionarray(n_n,1..Length);
Ln[n_n] := permute(convert(V[n_n],list));
end do;
Configurations := Ln[1];
for i_i from 2 to Length+1 do
    Configurations := [op( Configurations), op(Ln[i_i] ) ];
#    Configurations := Reverse([op( Configurations), op(Ln[i_i] ) ]);
end do;
 print("Table of configuratons is", fermionarray);
 print("The table written as a set of vectors is", V);
 print("Permutations of generators is", Ln);
 print("Full list of Configurations is", Configurations);
end proc;

For Config_Gen(4) this makes the configurations perfectly fine. Then I need to translate these configurations into creation operators acting on the 0-particle vacuum:

for i_i from 1 to 2^4 do
Ket(psi,Configurations[i_i]):= product(cre[j_j]^Configurations[i_i][j_j],j_j = 1 .. 4)* Ket(psi,Vacuum);
nnn:= sum(Configurations[i_i][j_j],j_j=1..4) :
Bra(psi,Configurations[i_i]):= fff* Bra(psi,Vacuum) * product(( ann[j_j] )^Configurations[i_i][j_j],j_j = 1 .. 4);
end do;
value(Simplify(Bra(psi,[1,1,0,1]) *Ket(psi,[1,1,0,1]) ));

Which generates the bras and kets. The factors of (-1) are chosen to give the correct bracket. A problem: For some reason, the product in Maple gives the same when I do Configurations[i_i][(4+1)-j_j].

Some other problems: When I go to evaluate AntiCommutator(ann[1],ann[2]) or more explicitly ann[1]*ann[2] + ann[2]*ann[1], the worksheet doesn't simplify. Is there a nice way to use the built in Annihilation and Creation operators of the physics package into the tensorproduct space on which I'd like to do calculations?





I would like to find which of my approximately 150 recorded worksheets reference the VariationalCalculus package.

Instead of tediously displaying these one at a time, is there a search mechanism that will list the names of all my worksheets containing the command with(VariationalCalculus)?

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