Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016

I would like procedure P to perform inside the map statement exactly as it does outside the map statement. Can this be done?


Can anyone tell me why maple wont accept my constraint?


LPSolve(3*x__1+14*x__2+18*x__3+6*x__4+2*x__5, {3*x__1+5*x__2+6*x__3+2*x__4+x__5 <= 10}, x__1 = 0 .. 1, x__2 = 0 .. 1, x__3 = 0 .. 1, x__4 = 0 .. 1, x__5 = 0 .. 1, maximize = true)

It returns the error "Warning, problem appears to be unbounded", when i can clearly see that it is bounded!

Im trying to solve the LP-relaxation of a binary problem which is why i have a 0..1 bound on every variable. Running Maple 2016.1 on windows if thats a help.

Request help in solving the equation:

Eq_H_1 := C[11*m]*(int((t-(j-1)*T)*alpha*(-alpha*(K*T*beta+T*beta*j-K*T-T*beta-T*j-beta*t+T+t))^(-beta/(beta-1))*exp(-R[m]*t), t = (j-1)*T .. (K+j-1)*T))



Hey mapleprimes

I am trying to get the sum function to give me n variables, well not sure how to explain it, so let me show:

sum(x__i, i = 0 .. 2)

I was expecting to get x__0 + x__1 + x__2

But instead i got:   3*x__i

Thanks for the help in advance :)


My problem is gone, but must be some weird character that is playing games with me or something


Hi everybody,

I have two questions about DataSummarize when used with "summarize=embed"

  1. Is it possible to set the width of the table DataSummarize returns ?
    (I thought DataSummarize used DocumentTools[Tabulate] but the option "width=..." doesn't work)
  2. Is it possible to save this table programmatically (for instance in a jpeg file) ?

Thanks in advance.




Hello everybody, 


I used Maple to reach a function in terms of a few parameters. The issue that I'm facing is that when I copy and paste that equation to excel(after transforming that same equation to 1D math) for evaluating it's value with the real values for the parameters, the result is not the same as the one calculated by Maple 2016 with the exact same parameters. I've inserted the file with this question for further information. One of the parameters (F15) is the cell used in excel.




Any help regarding this problem is very much appreciated.

Wus poppin Jimbos

My function is as follows:


I can then type 


And I get the result which is approximately 1845.361367

I then assign at a name e.g. "M"

I then try and execute the command (where I isolate the expression for x)


I get the result

              x = 14.00001597 - 0.00005369289477 I

Which is super annoying to look at..

Is there any way that I can remove the - 0.00005369289477 I part? And just get the answer (which should be 14)

I have no problem executing 

diff(f(x), x) = 1845.361366;

                        x = 13.99997555

However 1845.361367 once again gives me x = 14.00001597 - 0.00005369289477 I

Any help is appreciated <3



I use Statistics[Biplot] and the rendering is very bad with those huge arrows.

For the moment I fix this by modifying the definitions of the curves which draw each arrow (after using getdata to recover the Biplot structure)

Does it exist a simpler way to manage the appearance of the arrows ?
(options cb, cw and ch of plottols[arrow] are incorrect in Statistics[Biplot](..., arrow=[...]).

Thanks in advance

I am trying to repeat the 'first example' in Stephani & MacCullum, Differential equations see chapter 16 and (16.5).  The differential equation is,

pde := b1(x, y)*(diff(u(x, y), x))+b2(x, y)*(diff(u(x, y), y)) = 0

and I would like to compute DeterminingPDE.  The textbook answer is linear in b1 and b2 (as my 'by hand calculation' is) but Maple's,


contains quadratic terms such as b1^2, b1*b2 etc.  I don't understand the appearance of the quadratic terms.  Is it possible for Maple to return an answer which is linear in b1 and b2?

Good day everyone,

I am having challenges copying equations from Maple 2016 to word. Anyone with useful information should share please.

Thank you in anticipation for your kind gesture

Good day,

I have a problem with inequalities plotting ( I need to plot them(eq5,eq7) in the same box. But I get the wrong solution. The plot not giving me correct region for 2 inequalities. I attach the mw file. Are there any options to overcome such problems?

Thanks in advance.


I am trying to find the orthocenter in the x,y plane, given three coordinates  (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3).

I am trying to avoid division by zero.

local m1,m2,m3,L1,L2,L3,slope;

if x1=x2 then L1:=x=x1;
elif y1=y2 then L1:=y=y1;
else m1:=-1/slope(x2,y2,x3,y3); L1:=y-y1=m1*(x-x1);
end if;

if x2=x3 then L2:=x=x2;
elif y2=y3 then L2:=y=y2;
else m2:=-1/slope(x1,y1,x3,y3);L2:=y-y2=m2*(x-x2);
end if;

if x1=x3 then L3:=x=x1;
elif y1=y3 then L3:=y=y1;
else m3:=-1/slope(x1,y1,x2,y2);L3:= y-y3= m3*(x-x3);
end if;
end proc:


{x = 11/4, y = 9/2}



Error, (in slope) numeric exception: division by zero






The following website contains worksheets written in an early version of Maple.

I would like to import worksheets 5.1 and 5.2 and work with them in Maple 2016. Is this possible?

Clicking on the worksheet id, e.g. 5.1, displays an .mws worksheet written in HTML which is not supported as an import format.

I am beginning to study Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory - The Theoretical Minimum by Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman.

The book's notation for a 4-Vector is X superscript mu. Its components are X superscripts 0, 1, 2 and 3 which, in sequence, refer to t(ime), x, y and z.

Proper time, tau, is defined using these vector components in that sequence.

The book's notation for 4-Velocity is U superscript mu with components U superscripts 0 thru 3. U superscript zero is defined to be the derivative of X superscript zero with respect to tau i.e. dt/dtau and the remaining U components follow this pattern.

As a beginner in this area, which Maple packages/commands would most easily and clearly implement this notation in a Maple worksheet? 

Why does solve not find the value of xp = sqrt(1-v^2) in this worksheet?

Reference: Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory. Authors: Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman

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