Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016

If I am in the Maple debugger, stopped in a routine, how can I navigate between stack frames, such as looking at the variables of the calling function?

"outfrom" is not sufficient for this purpose as that continues execution until return, which would change the variables of the routine I am in, and could potentially take a long time. And more importantly for my particular purpose, the routine I am stopped in is a package's "I found an error" routine which is (deliberately) throwing an exception, so there will not be any return.

I can use where or where? to look at the name of the calling routines. Unfortunately, for the code I am debugging, the calling routine is being dynamically loaded so I do not have a file name for it and I cannot put a persistent breakpoint in it: I need to climb the tree of dynamic calls with their various parameters in order to figure out how the error occured.

Is there an elegant way to plot the region between the surfaces z=-y^2 and z=x^2, only on the domain of the XY-plane bounded by the triangle with vertices (0,0), (1,0) and (1,1)?

This week I am participating in 19th Ising lectures (see The Serguei Nechaev's talk inspired me to ask the question:
"How to simulate a random walk on an undirected and unweighted (and, of course, connected) graph
(All the paths from a vertex of degree k have the same probability 1/k.)?"
A Maple procedure to this end is welcome.

Is there an elegant way to plot in 3d only the portion of the function f(x,y)=sqrt(25-x^2-y^2) for which 9 <= x^2+y^2 <= 16 ? I'm looking for a nice plot that shows it against the whole sphere with radius 5, so that it's clear which part of the sphere is cut out.

I have a Document that I have been putting together.  When I insert a Subsection into a section below the title I get a 1D-math input command symbol.  Is there a way to prevent this from happening?  I have not had this problem before. 

It appears there is something confused in the startup of the document because when I start a new document and this doesn't happen.

It's almost like when I insert the subsection it converts that part to a worksheet?????

X := RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1))


I don't know why the plot doesn't produce a shaded plot.


How to solve following recurrence equation:





I tried,but it doesn't work.

How to find the sequence an ?

Mariusz Iwaniuk

Maple tech support sent me a third party application for my Maple 2016 to solve a problem that I'm working on. I was instructed to copy and paste a few items from the download: "to your "<maple>/lib" folder" Unfortunately I cannot access "lib" in my Maple "Applications" folder on my OS X MacBook Pro.

This is what Maple Tech Support sent me:

"Another option you may want to look into is the "DirectSearch" package (which is third-party, and not supported by us), which would need to be downloaded from the Maplesoft Application Centre:




There is a function "GlobalOptima()", which allows one to search for a global minimum to the objective function, as opposed to a local minimum like commands such as "LSSolve()". To install, you can extract the files "DirectSearch.mla", "", and "DirectSearch.hdb" to your "<maple>/lib" folder."


Any suggestions?

I need to create n-order tensor filled with any symbolic variable, for exemple 'x', but "symbol" option works only on vectors and matrix, so i don't know how to do that on n-order array.

X := Vector(3, symbol = x);#------ Work
Matrix(3, 3, symbol = x);#------ Work

Array(1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, symbol = x);
Error, argument `symbol = x` is incorrect or out of order

And 2nd problem thet globaly i need to create symmetric n-order tensor with symmitry for any pair of index and with contraction for any couple of indexes equal to zero. As i understend i need to create a big list of equations for every individual pair of index and 2 conditions (contraction and symmitry) and solve it to get a match and combination of independent index and paste values in them?


How do I filter a DataFrame using a value in a string column?
I have a CSV file containing records. Some columns are numbers, others are strings.
The examples in the tutorials are good for filtering on numbers but I can't see how to filter using a string.

ie I have 1300 records with ID, Name, Region, enrolments, ...
enrolments is a number and I can filter on that.
Region is a column of strings. I want to filter on that and work with all records from a specific region.

David Moss

Dear all,

I am looking at the help page for reading json files, but it is too advanced for me to understand...

Can anyone give an easy example where a json file is read into a variable and printing the data structure?


Louise =)


I can draw a triangle using the geomtry package:

point(A, 0, 0), point(B, 2, 1), point(C, 2, 0); triangle(T, [A, B, C])
d := draw(T, axes = none, color = black); t := textplot([[.227, 0.60e-1, typeset(theta)], [1.1, 0, typeset(k__2)]])

The result is as below.


I would like to place the label k2 below the line but negative numbers do not work. I would like to put a label k1 to the right of
the opposite side but there is no room,  and finally I would like to put sqrt(k1^2+k2^2) above the hypotenuse slanted to be
parallel with the hypotenuse if possible.


of a (concrete/general) triangle, making use of Maple tools in an efficient way?  Mathematica applies the barycentric coordinates and the Dirichlet distribution to this end. More generally, how to efficiently choose a random point in a given bounded region?

Hello all,

I have a hash structure with arrays in a YAML file that I would like to read in Maple.

Does there exist a module, so I can read it?


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