Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016


I just bought 2016 Maple. For a few days, everything was fine.

The increase of the speed calculations is very significant.

Then copy and paste gave unexpected results: impossible to keep the symbols, systematic conversion in text,in mode MathML,, appearance of ASCII characters in the texts, etc ..

all attempts to change the settings have failed

I spend more time correcting the changes that occur in the copy and paste that to take care of my equations.

Do you have an explanation ?

Hello everyone!

Is this a bug that the following two commands work differently?:

densityplot(sin(x*y), x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, colorscheme = ["zgradient", ["blue", "green", "yellow", "red"], zrange = -5 .. 5], style = surface)

plot3d(sin(x*y), x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, view = -10 .. 10, colorscheme = ["zgradient", ["blue", "green", "yellow", "red"], zrange = -5 .. 5], style = surface)

The second one works fine in that if you increase the magnitude of sin(x*y) (e.g. 3sin(x*y)) the coloring changes accordingly. But the first one plots sin(x*y) or 5sin(x*y), etc. just the same!

Many thanks for you comments in advance!

Is it possible to view maple workbook content in older versions?

I have tried to perform the examples given in the help section for DataSet retrival.  I cannot get Maple 2016 to access the internet available databases.  It does not return any outside of PC resources, like Maple 2015 did, on search items. Is there a setup item that I am missing or is there something amiss in Maple 2016.

This is the Error that I am getting: "Error, (in DataSets:-Search) invalid input: find_count expects its 1st argument, lst, to be of type list(nonnegint), but received [FAIL["total_count"], 0]. "

I was able to run this example in Maple 2105.  The example is the "Average Global Temperature"



Bill Tolrud



I would like to start using maple workbook to manage my projects but i can't figure out the paths. suppose i have a workbook named: WorkBookTest.maple

and inside this i have a folder containing Data in which i have an excel workbook DataTest.xlsx

and also i have a folder containing Documents in which i have a maple worksheet

and also i have a folder containing Code in which i have a mathematica notebook Code.nb


Now inside the maple worksheet, to import the excel data i use the command: Import("this:///Data/DataTest.xlsx")

and it works

Now inside the mathematica workbook, to import the excel data i use the command: Import["this:///Data//DataTest.xlsx"]

and it fails


so if i have other program like mathematica notebook inside maple workbook that wants to call a file with data, how should i define the path?

In working on an answer to a recent question on MaplePrimes:

I noticed that in solving a "simple" system of two equations in two unknowns, potentially undesirable expansion occurs.
The two equations were only simple in the sense that the solving was very trivial, since the two unknowns occurred (almost) already isolated on the left:
eq2:=1.2345*diff(v(t),t)=rhs2; #rhs2 is very complicated in the link given.
So in isolating I tried:
The resulting ode system took considerably longer to solve numerically than an unexpanded version.
It is trivial (of course) to do the solving without solve in this case.

Here is an extremely simple example, where the unknowns are already isolated, so that the equations themselves are actually the solution.

solve(eq1,a); #No expansion
solve({eq1,eq2},{a,e}); #Expanded:
                   {a = b*c+b*d, e = b*c+b*d+f*k+8*f}

Can expansion be avoided?

Hello there,

I want to simplify this for a given rule in Maple


rule :  ia+ib+ic=0

A desired result should be 


but I can't apply this rule in Maple...  it seems like recursive and goes back again and again.


Can it break the recursive routine and make it as a desired result?


 Thank you

Hey guys,


I want to fit experimental data and I was wondering if there is a special PolynomialFit function for a surface.

My data consist of a X,Y, Matrix of densities and I want to have a function describing the surface of the values. On matlab the following code will do so:

[x, y, z] = prepareSurfaceData(temps, concs, densities);
ft = fittype('poly33');
fitresult = fit([x, y], z, ft);

Maybe that gives you a better view of what I want.

Best regards

Before version 2016 Maple was incredibly good at evaluating an infinite power series and returning a simple function, e.g. 1/(3x+2).  Now version 2016 just returns the input sum expression with no change.  Is there some new command to get the old results?

I have a column matrix with all the elements 1.

A:=Matrix(100, 1, 1):

I want to generate another matrix B exactly same as A but with one element changed and keeping all other elements to be same. Manually, I could do by following way:


But I have to do this with each of 100 elements of A. For instance, in step 1 I want only the first element changed into 1.1. In step 2 I want only the second element changed keeping all others to be 1, and go upto 100.

Could anyone give me an easy way to do this? I would like to appreciate your help in advance.



Hi all,

I'm trying to perform some calculations containing exponential integrals. Here is a snippet of my code:



Es := 4*10^9:


C := (q) -> q^(H+1.5):

G := (q) -> (int(q^3*C(q), q = q[0] .. q)):
P := (q) -> 1/sqrt(G(q)):

p := (xi) -> p[0]/P(xi*q[0]):
w:= (q,xi) -> 1/(Pi*(int(C(qs)*qs^3, qs = xi*q[0] .. q)))^(1/2):

U := (xi) -> (int(q*C(q)*w(q,xi)*(Int(exp(-(w(q, xi)*ps/Es)^2)/ps,ps=p(xi)..infinity)),q=xi*q[0]..q[s])):

My objective is to evaluate U for a set of discrete values of xi for further processing e.g. visualisation via plots. Neither value(U(xi)) nor evalf(U(xi)) produces a numerical result so I keep searching for solution. Does anybody have an advice how to solve U?

Regards, lassa

I have posted long time ago a patch for Shadebetween and you have transformed it into a hot fix:

In the last Maple 2015 update, the problem was not fixed.

Just curious: is it fixed in Maple 2016? Because I feel that the Maplesoft team is not "impressed" by such patches.

Edit. This was a comment related to acer's patch for NLPSolve, but it was transformed (I don't know why) into a separate question.

Hi all.

1. When plotting the function y=(x-1)/(x-2) on Maple 2016, the asymptote along with the actual curve is drawn as "solid lines/curves".  The asymptote should have been drawn as a dotted line to indicate that x=2 is an asymptote so as to distinguish itself from the actual curve.   This confuses my students.

2. The other question is if I modify the equation to y=1+ (x-1)/(x-2), the plot only shows the asymptote at x=2 (again, a solid line).  There should be another asymptote at y=1, which is not shown.

Can someone please advise if Maple would fix this in the next update?    If not, how should one "fix" this when graphing such functions?

Many thanks.

One new feature of Maple 2016 is claimed to be

          FunctionAdvisor(plot, .......)

but when I try HeunD or HeunG there is no output -- no error message, nothing.  Is this behaviour what a user should expect of this command?

Maple is a scientific software based on Computational Algebraic System (SAC) which has enabled this work entirely solve applied to Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Mecatrónica.The present problems in education, research and engineering are developed with static work sheets ie coding used innecesaria.Maple proposed models are shown below with an innovative structure; with the method of graphics algorithms and embedded components; putting aside the traditional and obsolete syntax; using dynamic worksheets as viable and optimal solutions to interpret and explain problems Ingineering.Design Advanced Analysis Tools (Applied Mathematics) Sophisticated Applications (efficient algorithms) and Multiple deployment options (different styles); this allowed generate math apps (applications engineering); can be interactive on the internet without the need to have the software installed on our computer; This way our projects can be used with a vision of sustainability around the world. Resulting in the generation of data and curves; which in turn will help you make better decisions analytical and predictive modeling in manufacturing and 3D objects; which would lead to new patterns of contrasting solutions.


Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple - Perú




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