Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016


I'm not sure that I mean datatable component corectly.

I also consider that I was done somthing wrong

Thank you for advanced for any help.



Oryginaly DataTable was inserted as a 3 x 3. I will traing to push maple to obtain 4 x 4 with specific row and column name.


SetProperty("DataTable0", visibleRows, 4);

DocumentTools:-SetProperty("DataTable0", visibleColumns, 4);

DocumentTools:-SetProperty("DataTable0", columnWidths, [20, 40, 80, 80]);

DocumentTools:-SetProperty("DataTable0", rowNames, [r1, r2, r3, r4]);

DocumentTools:-SetProperty("DataTable0", columnNames, [c1, c2, c3, c4]);

DocumentTools:-SetProperty("DataTable0", update)






The solution should show the procedure.
But without tutor.



Lenin Araujo Castillo


The attached worksheet shows a small selection of new and improved results in integration for Maple 2016. Note that integration is a vast topic, so there will always be more improvements that can be made, but be sure that we are working on them.

A selection of new and improved integration results for Maple 2016

New answers in Maple 2016



Indefinite integrals:


int(sqrt(1+sqrt(z-1)), z);



int(arctan((-1+sec(x))^(1/2))*sin(x), x);



int(((1+exp(I*x))^2+(1+exp(-I*x))^2)/(1-2*c*cos(x)+c^2), x);







Definite integrals:

int(arcsin(sin(z)), z=0..1);



int(sqrt(1 - sqrt(1+z)), z=0..1);



int(z/(exp(2*z)+4*exp(z)+10),z = 0 .. infinity);



simplify(int(sinh(a*abs(x-y)), y=0..c, 'method'='FTOC'));

(1/2)*(piecewise(x < 0, 0, 0 <= x, 2*exp(-a*x))+piecewise(x < 0, 0, 0 <= x, -4)+2*piecewise(c <= x, -cosh(a*(-x+c))/a, x < c, (cosh(a*(-x+c))-2)/a)*a-exp(-a*x)+piecewise(x < 0, 0, 0 <= x, 2*exp(a*x))+4-exp(a*x))/a


int(ln(x+y)/(x^2+y), [x=0..infinity, y=0..infinity]);



Definite integrals with assumptions on the parameters:

int(x^(-ln(x)),x=0..b) assuming b > 0;



int(exp(-z)*exp(-I*n*z)*cos(n*z),z = -infinity .. infinity) assuming n::integer;



Integral of symbolic integer powers of sin(x) or cos(x):

int(sin(x)^n,x) assuming n::integer;

` piecewise`(0 < n, -(Sum((Product(1+1/(n-2*j), j = 1 .. i))*sin(x)^(n-2*i-1), i = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*cos(x)/n+(Product(1-1/(n-2*j), j = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*x, n < 0, (Sum((Product(1-1/(n+2*j+1), j = 0 .. i))*sin(x)^(n+2*i+1), i = 0 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*cos(x)/n+(Product(1+1/(n+2*j-1), j = 1 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)))*ln(csc(x)-cot(x)), x)


int(cos(x)^n,x) assuming n::negint;

-(Sum((Product(1-1/(n+2*j+1), j = 0 .. i))*cos(x)^(n+2*i+1), i = 0 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*sin(x)/n+(Product(1+1/(n+2*j-1), j = 1 .. -ceil((1/2)*n)))*ln(sec(x)+tan(x))


int(cos(x)^n,x) assuming n::posint;

(Sum((Product(1+1/(n-2*j), j = 1 .. i))*cos(x)^(n-2*i-1), i = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*sin(x)/n+(Product(1-1/(n-2*j), j = 0 .. ceil((1/2)*n)-1))*x


Improved answers in Maple 2016


int(sqrt(1+sqrt(x)), x);



int(sqrt(1+sqrt(1+z)), z= 0..1);



int(signum(z^k)*exp(-z^2), z=-infinity..infinity) assuming k::real;



int(2*abs(sin(x*p)*sin(x)), x = 0 .. Pi) assuming p> 1;



int(1/(x^4-x+1), x = 0 .. infinity);

-(sum(ln(-_R)/(4*_R^3-1), _R = RootOf(_Z^4-_Z+1)))


In Maple 2016, this multiple integral is computed over 3 times faster than it was in Maple 2015.

int(exp(abs(x1-x2))*exp(abs(x1-x3))*exp(abs(x3-x4))*exp(abs(x4-x2)), [x1=0..R, x2=0..R, x3=0..R, x4=0..R], AllSolutions) assuming R>0;



Austin Roche
Mathematical Software, Maplesoft

hi.i am a problem with calculate numeric integral.

please help me



Hej Mapleprimes,

I am making Maple sweat over a simple problem


right click and solve for variable x. 

So far Maple has been working for 10 minutes at allocatet 2 GB 

memory.  And no answer yet. 

Is there a short way to solve this faster?


Kind regards 

Per Kirkegaard

Executing HelpTools:-Database:-ConvertAll(): produced file apparently without content. How can all content within DirectSearch.hdb be converted to a .help file accessible through help in Maple 2016?

Valery Ochkov and Volodymyr Voloshchuk have developed a series of thermal engineering applications in Maple 2016. The applications explore steam turbine power generation and refrigeration cycles, and use the ThermophysicalData package for fluid properties.

Their work can be found at the following locations on the Application Center.

I especially like

  • this application, which optimizes the extraction pressures of a steam turbine to maximize its efficiency,
  • and this application, which plots the state of a two-stage refrigeration cycle on a pressure-enthalpy chart.

using the code generator assistant I entered the following function

p := proc (z::(float[8]))

local a::integer, accm::(float[8]), k::integer, k1::(float[8]), c;
c := Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], order = C_order, datatype = float[8]);
k1 := 1;
c[1] := evalf(sqrt(2*Pi));
a := 12;
for k to a-1 do c[k+1] := evalf(exp(a-k)*(a-k)^(k-1/2)/k1); k1 := -k1*k end do;
accm := c[1];
for k to a-1 do accm := accm+evalf(c[k+1]/(z+k)) end do;
accm := accm*evalf(exp(-z-a)*(z+a)^(z+1/2));
return accm/z
end proc

the code-generated julia code follows

function input(z)
c = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
k1 = 1
c[0] = (sqrt(2 * pi))
a = 12
for k = 1:a - 1
c[k] = (exp(a - k) * (a - k) ^ (k - 1//2) / k1)
k1 = -k1 * k
accm = c[0]
for k = 1:a - 1
accm = accm + (c[k] / (z + k))
accm = accm * (exp(-z - a) * (z + a) ^ (z + 1//2))
return(accm / z)

two things are wrong

1: no end after loop end

2: array index starts at 0, it should be 1 and of course the array references should reflect that


btw, it would be nice to be able to enter code tags like [code] code here [/code]

I noticed that Maple 2016 did not add entry in the start menu->All programs, after installing it on window 7, as all the other Maple releases did.  I looked everywhere and do not see it. This is very strange. Only time I had problem like this, where I install Maple but it does not show up in the start menu.

I did not have problem installing 2016, and I can use it fine.  But each time I need to start it now, I have to do start menu->Search and type Maple 2016, to find Maple 2016.

Is there a way to make it show in the start menu? Should I uninstall it and install again? Any one else had this problem on windows?


Using Maple 2016, windows 7, 64 bit. I see 2 problems allready. One is that long display do not wrap around as it does with Maple 2015. Second problem, I see strange characters inside the numbers displayed on the screen.  Here is 2 screens shots, same computation, one from Maple 2015 and one from Maple 2016. Both on same PC. Windows 7.



Notice also the result for 2016 do not wrap. I had to scroll to the right to see the full result.

Here is the code in plain text. Can someone verify if they get the same problem on Maple 2016?


You, I, and others like us, are the beneficiaries of decades of software evolution.

From its genesis as a research project at the University of Waterloo in the early 80s, Maple has continually evolved to meet the challenges of technical computing.

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