Maple 2021 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2021

I find thus equation of course i use a little bit seperation by hand, i have 11 equation but i can't get results of parameters i don't know why my code is a little bit old i think and i don't know there is another technique for finding them or not here is the file of mp, thanks for any help

for apear each part  remove (:)

i have solution of ODE but again i want take derivative from solution function F then i want take reciprocal of derivative
if F'=G then i want 1/F'=1/G like that i want all solution by list and if possible don't give the parameter a sequence  it will be better

thanks for any help

K := diff(G(xi), xi $ 2) = -lambda*diff(G(xi), xi) - mu;
                d                    / d        \     
          K := ----- G(xi) = -lambda |---- G(xi)| - mu
                   2                 \ dxi      /     

V:= [seq](-1..1, 1/2);
                          [    -1     1   ]
                     V := [-1, --, 0, -, 1]
                          [    2      2   ]

interface(rtablesize= nops(V)^3):
    <seq(seq(<a | b | rhs(dsolve(eval(K, [lambda,mu]=~ [a,b])))>, a= V), b= V)>,
    columns= [lambda, mu, F]


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How can I reduce time calculations for the integral process?

Determining H[1] and HH[1] is very boring!!



B := (sum(a__n*exp(n*x), n = -c .. p))/(sum(b__m*exp(m*x), m = -d .. q))






before run file remove all (:) i want calculate equation but with a condition for example: when a=4 then find other parameter in my equation with respect to a=4 find other

i write my code for calculate this type of function but the result is so different from mine i  will post here i hope someone tell me where is problem

i have this

i want this


display([plottools[arc]([op(coordinates(Omega))], r, t .. t + Pi/2, color = red, t4), plottools[arc]([op(coordinates(Omega))], r, t + Pi .. t + (3*Pi)/2, color = coral, t4), plottools[arc]([op(coordinates(Omega))], r, t - Pi/2 .. t, color = cyan, t4), plottools[arc]([op(coordinates(Omega))], r, t + Pi/2 .. t + Pi, color = green, t4)],
draw([Cir(color = blue, t4), cir(color = grey, t4), sT(color = black, t4), XXp(color = black, l3), YYp(color = black, l3), L1(color = black, l3), L2(color = black, l3), N1(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15), N2(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15), N3(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15), M1(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15)]), axes = none, view = [-30 .. 10, -10 .. 10], size = [800, 800])::
plots:-animate(Proc, [t], t = 0 .. 2*Pi, frames = 30).;

why the instruction concerning the arcs is not resected ? Thank you.

Proc := proc(t) local t4, l3, R, r, eq, sol; _EnvHorizontalName := 'x'; _EnvVerticalName := 'y'; t4 := thickness = 4; l3 := linestyle = dot; R := 9; r := 1/2*R; geometry:-point(OO, 0, 0); geometry:-circle(Cir, [OO, R]); geometry:-point(K, R*cos(t), R*sin(t)); geometry:-point(Omega, r*cos(t), r*sin(t)); geometry:-circle(cir, [Omega, r]); eq := geometry:-Equation(cir); geometry:-line(XXp, y = 0); geometry:-line(YYp, x = 0); geometry:-line(L1, y = x); geometry:-line(L2, y = -x); geometry:-projection(M1, K, XXp); geometry:-coordinates(M1); geometry:-point(K2, geometry:-coordinates(M1)[1] - 2*R, 0); geometry:-coordinates(K2); geometry:-segment(sT, K2, M1); geometry:-point(N1, 0, R*sin(t)); subs(y = x, eq); sol := solve(%, x); geometry:-point(N2, sol[2], sol[2]); subs(y = -x, eq); sol := solve(%, x); geometry:-point(N3, sol[2], -sol[2]); plots:-display(geometry:-draw([Cir(color = blue, t4), cir(color = grey, t4), sT(color = black, t4), XXp(color = black, l3), YYp(color = black, l3), L1(color = black, l3), L2(color = black, l3), N1(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15), N2(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15), N3(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15), M1(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 15)]), axes = none, view = [-30 .. 10, -10 .. 10], size = [800, 800]); end proc;
plots:-animate(Proc, [t], t = 0 .. 2*Pi, frames = 200);
I am trying to program  this drawing, how to improve this code ? Thank you.

sol := y = -3283/4253 - (3283*x)/4253, How can I determine the value of the coefficient of x?
How can I take the value of the coefficient of x? Thank you.

_EnvHorizontalName := 'x';
_EnvVerticalName := 'y';
cb := color = blue;
t3 := thickness = 3;
l3 := linestyle = 3;
xA := 3;
yA := 0;
xB := -3;
yB := 0;
c := 6;
point(A, xA, yA);
point(B, xB, yB);
R := 5;
alpha := arctan(3/4);

xH := (xA + xB)/2;
yH := (yA + yB)/2;
point(H, xH, yH);
xO1 := 0;
yO1 := 4;
point(O1, xO1, yO1);
xO2 := 0;
yO2 := -4;
point(O2, xO2, yO2);
segment(sAB, A, B);
segment(sHO, H, O1);
segment(sAO, A, O1);
segment(sBO, B, O1);

alpha1 := arctan((yO1 - yA)/(xO1 - xA));
beta := Pi + arctan((yO1 - yB)/(xO1 - xB));
AR1 := plottools[arc]([xO1, yO1], R, alpha1 .. beta, l3);
AR2 := plottools[arc]([xO2, yO2], R, -beta .. -alpha1, l3);
N := 80;
dt := (beta - alpha1)/(N - 1);
dr := draw({O1, O2, sAB, sHO, sAO(cb), sBO(cb)});
tex := textplot([[xA, yA - 0.5, "A"], [xB, yB - 0.5, "B"], [xO1, yO1 + 0.5, "O1"], [xO2, yO2 - 0.5, "O2"], [xH, yH - 0.5, "H"]]);
M1 := seq(plottools[disk]([R*cos(dt*t + alpha1) + xO1, R*sin(dt*t + alpha1) + yO1], 0.2, color = orange), t = 0 .. N);
M2 := seq(plottools[disk]([R*cos(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + xO2, R*sin(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + yO2], 0.2, color = orange), t = 0 .. N);
P1 := seq(plottools[polygon]([[R*cos(dt*t + alpha1) + xO1, R*sin(dt*t + alpha1) + yO1], [xA, yA], [xB, yB]], color = aquamarine, linestyle = dash), t = 0 .. N);
P2 := seq(plottools[polygon]([[R*cos(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + xO1, R*sin(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + yO1], [xA, yA], [xB, yB]], color = aquamarine, linestyle = dash), t = 0 .. N);
for t to N do
    E[t] := display(dr, tex, AR1, AR2, M1[t], P1[t]);
    F[t] := display(dr, tex, AR1, AR2, M2[t], P2[t]);
end do;
display([seq(E[t], t = 1 .. N), seq(F[t], t = 1 .. N)], insequence = true, axes = none, scaling = constrained, view = [-10 .. 10, -10 .. 10]);

angle that does not turn on the lower arc. Thank you.

point(A, xA, yA);
point(B, xB, yB);
point(C, xC, yC):
L3 := linestyle = 3
triangle(Tr, [A, B, C])
line(AP, [A, P]);
line(BP, [B, P]);
line(CP, [C, P]);
dr := draw([Tr(t3), AP(cbl, L3), BP(cbl, L3), CP(cbl, L3)]),
textplot([[coordinates(A)[], "A"], [coordinates(B)[], "B"], [coordinates(C)[], "C"]], align = {above, right});
display({dr, ellip}, scaling = constrained, axes = none, view = [-1 .. 14, -1 .. 11]);
Why doesn’t Maple show me the expected effect ? Thank you.

Greetings! I need a maple code of logarithm of residuals for graphical comparison of iterative methods. Can anyone help me out by sharing a code comparing log of residuals of 2 or 3 iterative methods? 

I am trying to decompose an isprime into sum of 2 squares.
Can you tell me why yhse procedure are not goog.

Sumof2Squares:= proc(p::And(prime, satisfies(p-> irem(p,4)=1)))
local x, y:= 1;
   x:= mods(Roots(x^2+y^2), p)[2,1];
   while x^2+y^2 > p do
      (x,y):= FermatDescent(x,y,p)
   end do;
end proc:

FermatDescent:= proc(x::posint, y::posint, p::posint)
   m:= (x^2+y^2)/p,
   a:= mods(x,m),  
   b:= mods(y,m);

   (abs((a*x+b*y)/m), abs((a*y-b*x)/m))
end proc:

Thank you.

Dear Maple experts,

I am running a Maple code with several lines/ curves in a plot.

For two of the curves, I use style=pointline. But in the legend the symbols on the lines are not shown. Can you advise how we can make them appear?

I have attached the file. Thank you so much! 


I am currently unable to type in maple 2021, there is no cursor, nothing shows up when I type etc. I am also unable to save files. I went into document mode, nothing. Some of the dialogs don't show up. Where does maple save documents and how do I change that setting? That might be my problem. Furthermore, there are no tabs visable, like I can't access any documents I open.

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