MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

About a half hour ago, there was a Post titled "Read binary file" from a new user. I converted it to a Question. Now that I want to Answer the Question, I can't find it. If you are the author of that Question, and you still want an answer, please post it again, but put it in the Questions area.

(I think that there may be a bug in MaplePrimes that makes this happen. I've had it happen several times before.)

Anyway, please respond to this regardless of what you want regarding the Question. That'll help me figure out what went wrong.

A question by @Shameera  I was working on has disapeared meanwhile.
It was related to this previous thread 233822-How--To-Solve-This-Equation-By-Using but has not been displaced in it.
Did a regolaror do this or was it  @Shameera ?

Sorry to bother moderators again but a question from @panke has just disappeared.
I browsed its old questions but found none in a recent past related to the one removed.
Can you please tell me where it has been moved ?


PS: I understand perfectly the need to avoid multiple occurrences of a same thread, but in case of the displacement of a question, couldn't a systematic message be sent?

Who deleted my post - "How to factor out specific parts from expression"

Good day everyone, please I'm soliciting help on how to solve PDE in Maple. I know how to solve ODE but I don't know how to go about PDE. The problem I want to solve is attached as an attachment. If epsilon is zero, then the problem reduces to ODE which can easily be solved, but epsilon is not supposed to be zero. please I need your help, thank you in anticipation.


I'd like to delete my mapleprime account and purge all associated data. How to achieve this?

I started using maple around 1995 on the Inverse Symbolic Calculator to discover the MRB constant and got put on this list.

Do you consider yourself to be one?

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This is a list of amateur mathematicians—people whose primary vocation did not involve mathematics (or any similar discipline) yet made notable, and sometimes important, contributions to the field of mathematics.



The last several times that I've tried to use the Delete As Spam feature I've gotten an error message Error Generating Page, and the spam was not deleted. Anyone know what's happening? 

In an answer to an earlier question

I inadvertently used the "Insert Contents" link - AND IT WORKED

Anybody know how long this has been fixed?

Would be nice if someone could add Maple 2021 to Software Change Requests list.

Right now Maple 2021 is unusable for us due to a big problem related to saving workbooks.

Dear administration, I hope you all are good,why my question have been deleted? My question is a little similar to the one before, but there are still a lot of differences.I didn't do a backup which was bad.Once deleted, there is no chance of modification.

Two days ago I have answered a question about using numapprox:-infnorm for functions of several variables. The question is now deleted. Is it possible to find whether it was deleted by the author (even if she/he has used the "best answer" tag)?

Dear administration, I hope you all are good, why my question have been deleted? Even my important question on legends was deleted.

It's been about a year since I've been able to display any worksheet at all on MaplePrimes. In the example below, I took a very simple worksheet that had been displayed in an Answer to another recent Question and tried to upload it. So, we know that it's somehow possible to display this particular worksheet on MaplePrimes.

Maple Worksheet - Error
Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .

When I select "oldest first", the first post shown is the newest.  Vice-versa when selecting "newest first".  Am I misunderstanding the meaning of the term?  I suppose it doesn't matter as both options are available but it's weird.

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