MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes



How can I find the corresponding group for the Lie algebra given in the picture (using Maplesoft software)?

Also, the command Lies Third Theorem works only for Solvable representations. What to for unsolvable representation.


Not that I care about the virtual rating numbers here, but I am wondering why would one suddenly lose 15 point after posting a problem they found in Maple? Is this typical?

3 hrs ago, I was 3001  and when I came to check on the status if any, now it says 2986.

Just wondering why, that is all. Again, this really does not bother me at all as I do not care about these virtual cloud credit points, and I only post here on occasions and when I found some problem. I just like to know why this happened just now, that is all. 






I had difficulty in making my latest post.  It would fail at Submit.

I had success when I saved a draft post.  I was able to edit the draft to submit.



Images posted on Maple Primes, if too large, are scaled down to match the post size. Is there a way to attach a scroll bar to allow full scale viewing instead?

Recently I posted a question "how to insert a loop".
Without my knowledge, the post is deleted.
Mention the reason for deleting the post.

Generally when I respond to questions on this site, I make sure that I tick the checkbox requesting that I get an email when updates are made to the thread.

I've just realised that I have been receiving no such updates for a week or so. Two possibilities

  1. Problem with Mapleprimes website, meaning that email updates aren't being generated/sent
  2. Problem with my ISP

Before I try investigating (2) above, I'd just like to know if anyone else has seen any issue which might be explained by (1) above

Earlier today (30/12/2018), I answered a fairly routine question  relating to solving the PDE for a vibrating string problem where the initial string profile was given by a piecewise function. No big deal - a fairly simple answer. Only thing that struck me at the time as odd/unusual, was that 2-3 days ago there was a very (very!) similar problem which I had also answered.

These two problems were posted from different usernames, but I did reference the earlier problem in my solution to the later one, just because they were so similar.

Both of these questions (and obviously my answers) have now "disappeared" -how/why?

  1. I can (just about?) understand that an OP might be allowed to delete his/her question, but I am surprised that (s)he can delete a complete thread - ie after response(s) have been provided
  2. I suspect that both questions came from the same individual employing different user names (why?). I guess this is pretty much impossible for MapleSoft to verify, particularly if the OP has multiple email addresses??
  3. Would I be correct in assuming that this is a method for students to get their homework" done whilst leaving little/no trace for their academic supervisors to find?
  4. Since all trace of both questions have disappeared and I can't actually remember the usernames (or emails with which they are associated), presumably the OP could repeat this behaviour indefinitely?

It seems that the forum activity of the user  Markiyan Hirnyk   is no longer accessible.
Is it a site problem?

I have multiple accounts. I would like to delete them. Please tell me how to delete it. Thank you.

I hate it when a user bumps every Question that they've ever asked over the past five years to the top of Recent (aka Active Conversations) stack! This is not the first time that this has happened. I rely heavily on that stack being truly the threads with the most-recent material. Can't something be done about this short of deleting the threads? That seems too drastic: While this user has occasionally been a pest in the past, they've also posted some decent material. There should be some way for a moderator to just reset the stack positions to what they were previously.

I am not interested in the mapleprime group, so I want to delete my account in this group.

Recently, my questions are deleted. last month I ask 3 questions but that all questions are deleted without my knowledge. yesterday also i ask one question "how to plot3d graph" that also deleted. "". In the mapleprime, I am following the ethics and rules. 

Sorry, I comment not for answering question.

I want to ask a question, but I can't enter any 'Tags', but they need at least one tag.

There is not any text box where I can enter a tag.

Who can help me?


Recently, my post is deleted without my knowledge.


Hi MaplePrimes Web managers

I suspect you have forgotten to update the lists for MapleSim "2017" you seem to stop at "MapleSim 2016", while I hear from your local office that MapleSim 2018 is "just around the corner" ...
It would make it easier to sort the issues for the last version, no ?

Thanks for your support

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