MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

I am very pleased to announce a new user community centered around Maplesoft's online testing and assessment and courseware products. The new site is specifically for instructors and administrators currently using Maple T.A. or Möbius. This community of users are a small, specialised group who we want to bring together so they can share ideas and best practices. To find the community, go to either or

"The Maple T.A. Community has grown organically to support new developers as they pool their knowledge and queries. This has resulted in a fluid searchable structure, with answers available for all levels of question - from beginner to pushing the frontiers of what Maple T.A. has been designed to do. Our summer student interns rely on the Community as they become proficient in their question writing skills - and many have become contributors as they realise that they are in a position to teach others. Opening it out more broadly will be great in sharing good practice on a 'need to know now' basis.”

----Professor Nicola Wilkin, University of Birmingham


What content is in the community?

The community has many posts from active Maple T.A. and Möbius users from beginners to advanced users. The site is broken down into categories like 'Best Practices' - longer form posts that cover a broader concept in more detail and 'Quick Code snippets' that are small piece of code that you can drop straight into your question algorithms.

Much of the content is openly available and can be found by google, however there is additional content that can only be accessed by members of the community, such as the Maple T.A. school material which teaches you how to author content in Maple T.A. and Möbius.


Who runs the community

The community is jointly run by users based at the University of Birmingham, TU Wien, The University of Turin and TU Delft.


How does this fit into Mapleprimes?

It began as an offshoot of a private, internal customer forum. As this community grows, the ultimate goal is to eventually roll it into MaplePrimes proper. But this alternative site gave us the quickest way to get up and running. Maple T.A. and Möbius questions and posts are still welcome on MaplePrimes, and will continue to be monitored by Maplesoft.


How do I access the community?

You can find the community by going to either or


Where else can I get support for Maple T.A. and Mobiüs?

Official support for Maple T.A. and Möbius is provided by the wonderful Customer Success Team at Maplesoft. You can contact them at For other contact methods see


How can i copy paste some differential equations with boundary conditions from maple work sheet to here

Searching for "typeset but do not execute" in MaplePrimes returns several hits.  The following looks primising:

acer - Replies
... Note that Maple doesn't do so much with this computationally, since it's interpreted
just as a ... But if the 2D Input is only used as typeset math without ...


Clicking on that link, however, leads to a page which has nothing to do with the searched item.  How does one navigate to the correct page?

Greetings to all.

My apologies if this is a repeat, I could not ascertain if this question has been asked before. I am not able to enter a tilde in my home page URL in my profile. I used the escape sequence %7E as a workaround. This does not work in all browsers however, e.g. the page displays correctly in Chrome but not in Firefox. How to enter the tilde into my profile URL? (The tilde is commonly used to indicate the directory public_html in a user's home directory by the Apache web server.) Thank you.

Marko Riedel

If binary constraints are imposed on an optimization problem and LPSolve presents a solution, is it possible to extract the variables that have zero or one assigned to them? This would be most useful if there are many variables, for example...

If a solution is returned that looks like ...

[x[001]=0, x[101]=1, x[201]=0, x[301]=1, ....], how can I filter those solutions that equal zero?

Thanks for reading!

Is there a problem with MaplePrime web site?   All my questions for the last 4 years, and answers are no longer available. All gone. I posted a question early today about sin(x) calling. one hr after that, I noticed all my questions and answers gone.

When I go to my user profile, it says I have zero questions, zero answer and zero post for the last 4 years. All the answers to my questions also got deleted, which is a shame if this happened. They have many useful information.

Any one else affected by this?

I'm seeing older posts bubling to the top without any apparent changes.  Perhaps spam is being added to the ends of them and then being deleted is the only thing I can think of.

Can somebody suggest an efficient way to specify / input a large list of binary variables in the LPSolve command, for example:

> LPSolve(objective function, constraints, binaryvariables={ x[0,0,1], .x[0,0,2], ...., x[i,j,k]}

Is it possible to assign a name to the set rather than input each element, x[i,j,k], manually?

Thanks in advance!



I want to draw  phase plane of system of three fractional order equations. 


Note that 

Also want the  phase portrait when the values of alpha are not same....






Hi. Wanting a procedure, but not wanting to reinvent the wheel, I did a search on mapleprimes for "Shoelace" (formula). I got the response below indicating a hit. But clicking on the hypertext, i get to page 41 of Kitonums replies, but not the actual thing i wanted. I go to "find on this page" in my browser firefox and input "Shoelace"...nothing. enter "thU"...nothing. Do I really have to go through all of his replies on the page?

Kitonum - Replies
... ThU. You are right. Shoelace's formula is a wonderful formula! It ... ThU. You
are right. Shoelace's formula is a wonderful formula! It ...

I am a little perplexed. I can no longer copy-paste equations as images from Maple to the editor here. Now, only text, either on a single line, or at several lines with parantheses made from / | \, which looks awful, is inserted. A couple of days ago there was no problem. Do others experience the same problem?

PS: On some of the copy-paste trials a couple of minutes ago my browser, Firefox, even crashed on two different occasions.


Update: Today, the 28th of November, I have sent the following mail to Mapleprimes:

Dear Mapleprimes,

I would very much appreciate if the problem with the copy-pasting of images into the Mapleprimes editor, as reported at, would be fixed as soon as possible.

Not being able to simply copy-paste equations as images, as was possible a week or two ago, is a real nuisance. A couple of minutes ago, for instance, I had to resort to the use of a screen-shot program to perform the task.

John Fredsted

The copy paste and snip tool used to work.  I can no longer use either to paste in mapleprimes.

I  encountered a non-integrable integral in the process of solving the following process, . How to achieve its numerical solution? Such as in a looping   code:

pa[i] := pa[i-1]-(Int(subs(t = tau, Lpa[i-1]+Na1[i-1]-Na2[i-1]), tau = 0 .. t)); 

pw[i] := pw[i-1]-(Int(subs(t = tau, Lpw[i-1]+Nw1[i-1]-Nw2[i-1]), tau = 0 .. t)); u[i] := u[i-1]-(Int(subs(t = tau, Lu[i-1]+Nu1[i-1]+Nu2[i-1]), tau = 0 .. t));

Detailed code see

I cannot seem to upload my .mw file.  What is going on with the this new MAPLEPrimes?  I need some help getting my file uploaded.  What other avenue is available?


As mentioned a few weeks back, we have been working on an update to MaplePrimes designed to dramatically curtail the amount of spam we have been receiving. I'm happy to say that we implemented these features earlier today, and in the hour or so since publication, they have already helped prevent multiple messages from being posted.

Using content posted to MaplePrimes over the past few months as a baseline, this new feature is successfully able to detect 90% of spam, while maintaining a false positive (i.e., incorrectly identifying a legitimate question or post) rate of 1%.

If a message is detected as spam, it is immediately quarantined and not publicly posted. Importantly, any user who posts a message seen as spam is immediately informed, and is provided with a simple mechanism to let us know so that their post can be reinstated (if it is in fact legimate.)

We will be closely monitoring these services to ensure that they are working as intended. In the meantime, I am very hopeful that they help improve the experience for our members, and require much less effort from our dedicated group of spam fighters.

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