Question: how can i eval a function wiith a matrix?

i would like to nknow how can i eval a function wiith a matrix?

> restart; with(ArrayTools); with(LinearAlgebra); with(MTM);
 varhi := 10; 
varlo := 0; 
npar := 2; 
popsize := 9; 
par := (varhi-varlo)*RandomArray((proc (A) local i; 
if A::(rtable[column]) then 
seq(A(i), i = 1 .. NumElems(A)) else
end if 
end proc)
(popsize, npar))+varlo; 
ff := map(proc (x, y) x^2+y^2 end proc, par, 0); 
cost := eval(ff, par);

the values of must assume the first number in row and y the second it´s possible ? please help

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