Question: The catcher in the rye

How to find the maximum of sqrt((x-1)*(y-x))+sqrt((7-y)*(1-x))+sqrt((x-y)*(y-7)) for x=-2..3,
y=0..11 with Maple?
Here are  a few unsuccessful attempts.
> Optimization:-Maximize(sqrt((x-1)*(y-x))+sqrt((7-y)*(1-x))+sqrt((x-y)*(y-7)),
 x = -2 .. 3, y = 0 .. 11);
Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) complex value encountered
> maximize(sqrt((x-1)*(y-x))+sqrt((7-y)*(1-x))+sqrt((x-y)*(y-7)), x = -2 .. 3, y = 0 .. 11);
Error, (in maximize) cannot minimize over a complex valued function
> DirectSearch:-GlobalOptima(sqrt((x-1)*(y-x))+sqrt((7-y)*(1-x))+sqrt((x-y)*(y-7)), {x >= -2, y >= 0, x <= 3, y <= 11}, maximize, tolerances = 10^(-14), evaluationlimit = 10^5);


          [x = HFloat(0.0090), y = HFloat(0.0090)], 88]

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