Question: solving linked differential eqautions


I have a set of diffferential equations: 

> U := diff(X(x), x) = -10*(1-5*T(x)^2)^(1/2)*x*X(x)/(X(x)*x+R(x)), diff(R(x), x) = 10*(1-5*T(x)^2)^(1/2)*x^2*X(x)/(X(x)*x+R(x));
/ 2\
d 10 \1 - 5 T(x) / x X(x)
--- X(x) = - ----------------------------,
dx X(x) x + R(x)

/ 2\ 2
d 10 \1 - 5 T(x) / x X(x)
--- R(x) = -----------------------------
dx X(x) x + R(x)  
and initial conditions:

> initial; R(x) = 0, X(x) = 10;
and i want to solve and then plot them and also T(x) against x/x_initial, is this possible? 
I again apologise for not being very helpful earlier.
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