Question: Solving set of non-linear equations

Dear All

How do I solve the followinh set of non-linear equations for the unknowns as given below:














    How would one solve above system of equations for:

    R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6


    RT = 0.5
    Zth1 = 0.01219
    Zth2 = 0.019409
    Zth3 = 0.025586
    Zth4 = 0.030061
    Zth5 = 0.035156
    Zth6 = 0.059156
    Zth7 = 0.091201
    Zth8 = 0.242103
    Zth9 = 0.390841
    Zth10 =0.461318
    Zth11 =0.496592
    Zth12 =0.496592
    t1 = 19.96e-6
    t2 = 50.12e-6
    t3 = 100e-6
    t4 = 144.54e-6
    t5 = 199.53e-6
    t6 = 501.19e-6
    t7 = 1000e-6
    t8 = 10000e-6
    t9 = 50118.72e-6
    t10 =0.1
    t11 =0.5012
    t12 =1.0



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