Question: How do I solve a set of ODE's, where the IC's of the current ODE depend on the previous ODE

Hello, I'm currently trying to solve this set of ODE's, but the way I have formulated the problem seems to be hard to process. Is there any simpler way of doing this, because it takes Maple a few minutes to solve 10 steps and I need more than a 100.Thank you in advance!l := 1.34*.75;Omega[p] := sqrt(g/l);v := .75;f[p] := .35*v^3-1.59*v^2+2.93*v;bmin := 0.157e-1;ci0 := y1(0) = 0, (D(y1))(0) = v;u0 := 0+v/Omega[p]+(-1)^0*bmin;p1 := diff(y1(t), t, t)+Omega[p]^2*(u0-y1(t)) = 0;k[1] := dsolve({ci0, p1}, y1(t));for n from 2 to 7 do k[n] := dsolve({diff(y[n](t), t, t)+Omega[p]^2*(eval(rhs(k[n-1])+(diff(rhs(k[n-1]), t))/Omega[p]+(-1)^(n-1)*bmin, t = (n-1)/f[p])-y[n](t)) = 0, y[n]((n-1)/f[p]) = eval(rhs(k[n-1]), t = (n-1)/f[p]), (D(y[n]))((n-1)/f[p]) = eval(diff(rhs(k[n-1]), t), t = (n-1)/f[p])}, y[n](t)) end do;
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