Question: Zoom animation with time

Dear all,

I tried to display an animation which can zoom as the time goes.

But it seems that if I display several animations in one plot window, it will display the animation with the maximum view size from these animations, not separately display these animations with their view size.


There are two examples:


a1 := animate(plot, [x^2, x = -1 .. t, view = [-1 .. 1, 0 .. 1]], t = -1 .. 1);

a2 := animate(plot, [x, x = -1 .. t, view = [-1 .. 1, -1 .. 1]], t = -1 .. 1);

display(a1, a2);



animate(plot, [x^2, x = -1 .. 1, view = [t .. 1, 0 .. 1]], t = 0 .. -1)

Is it possible to zoom the animation with time? What parameter should I set?

The related maple file is attached.

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