Question: Error, (in combinat:-permute) Maple was unable to allocate enough memory to complete this computation

Error, (in combinat:-permute) Maple was unable to allocate enough memory to complete this computation

would like to get all combination of system of polynomials

but got memory error, another alternatives to do this?


AllMatrices := proc (A::set, k::posint, n::posint)
local B, C, E:
B := [[]]:
C := proc ()
B := [seq(seq([A[i], op(B[j])], i = 1 .. nops(A)), j = 1 .. nops(B))]:
end proc:
E := (C@@(k*n))(B):
seq(Matrix(k, n, E[m]), m = 1 .. nops(A)^(k*n));
end proc:
mm := AllMatrices({0, 1}, 3, 3);

GetRing := proc(sol)
ringequation := 0;
mono1 := 0;
for j from 1 to 3 do
mono1 := 1;
for i from 1 to nops(sol[1][j]) do
mono1 := mono1*op(i, sol[1][j]);
ringequation := ringequation + mono1;
return ringequation;
end proc;

polylistresult := [];
for i from 1 to nops([mm]) do
sol := MatrixMatrixMultiply(Matrix([[a,b,c]]), op(i,[mm]));
sol := GetRing(sol);
polylistresult := [op(polylistresult), sol];
gaga := polylistresult;
polylistresult := [op(polylistresult), op(gaga)];
polylistresult := [op(polylistresult), op(gaga)];
gg := permute(polylistresult, 3);
Error, (in combinat:-permute) Maple was unable to allocate enough memory to complete this computation. Please see ?alloc

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