Question: solving system of differential equations with initial conditions and making overlaid plots

I've got the following four differential equations :

d2v_x:=-((C_d)*rho*Pi*(r^2)*(v_x)*sqrt((v_x)^2 +(v_y)^2))/(2*m);
d2v_y:=-((C_d)*rho*Pi*(r^2)*(v_y)*sqrt((v_x)^2 +(v_y)^2))/(2*m)-g;

and the following initial value conditions:

x(0)=0,y(0)=0,v_x(0)=v0/sqrt(2),v_y(0)=v0/sqrt(2) given v0=65 

I need to solve these using the numeric type and then draw overlaid plots

(i) setting C_d=0

(ii) leaving C_d as a variable

before plotting y(t) vs x(t). The hint for this last part is that the path can be seeing using [x(t),y(t)] instead of [t,y(t)]

I've tried to do it but seemed to have several syntax errors.



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