Question: why SolveEquations show diffrent solutions

hi, the equations read as 

eq:=[2*x-0.2e-1*y-2.04*sqrt(-v^2+1)*v, 2*y-0.2e-1*x-2.16*sqrt(-u^2+1)*u, 2*u+2.16*u^2*y/sqrt(-u^2+1)-2.16*sqrt(-u^2+1)*y, 2*v+2.04*v^2*x/sqrt(-v^2+1)-2.04*sqrt(-v^2+1)*x] ;

i do as follows using DirectSearch package v.2

i find the solutions not the same,some time the results not much difference,but another,sols1 have one solution,sols2 have three some time,some solutions are lost,the result show  me  random.may i have run the command serveral times? regards.

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