Question: Using angular units with trig functions

I'm looking at Maple as a possible alternative to Mathcad (which I've been using for years, but is now very jaded compared to other options like Maple and Mathematica).  I'm a civil engineer and for what I do, one of the better features of Mathcad is the way it handles units.  For example, if I specify an angle in degrees (say phi=30 degrees) and then ask for sin(phi), I get 0.5.  At face value, I though Maple would do the same kind of thing.  However, this doesn't appear to be the case (see attached worksheet).  The only workaround that I can see is to specify the angle in degrees (but without assigning ) and then multiply the specified value by pi/180 (to convert to radians) before passing it to the sin function.  Which is all a bit messy and not at all an attractive solution.

Am I misunderstanding the way units work in Maple and is there a clean way of specifying angles in degrees (which is what engineers work with) and using these values directy in trig functions?

Thanks in anticipation,


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