Question: An integral equation to solve

I have the following integral equation to solve numerically:


v(x,t)=1 - h*\int_0^t JacobiTheta0(1/2x , \pi i s) v^4(1,t-s)ds

where h is a numerical parameter, and v(1,t) = 1-h*\int_0^t \theta_3(r)v^4(1,t-r)dr (theta3 is Jacobi theta3 function).


So I want to use an iteration method that will converge numerically to the solution, where v(1,0)=1.

How to use maple for this?

I want also to find the rate of convergence to the numerical solution.

 edit: I should note that v(x,0)=1, even though it's implied from v(x,t) above.


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