Question: Export as Latex omitting commands

I have some large worksheets in maple which I would like to export to Latex. Currently, the exported document included both the commands and the results. For example, if the maple code looks like:

The latex document will be:

    %% Created by Maple 17.01, Windows 7
    %% Source Worksheet:
    %% Generated: Fri Sep 11 11:25:29 CEST 2015
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 1}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Text Output}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Dash Item}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Bullet Item}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Normal}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 4}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 3}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 2}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Warning}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Title}
    \DefineParaStyle{Maple Error}
    \DefineCharStyle{Maple Hyperlink}
    \DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Math}
    \DefineCharStyle{Maple Maple Input}
    \DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Output}
    \DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Input}
    \begin{Maple Normal}{
    \begin{Maple Normal}{
    A test equation}\end{Maple Normal}
    }\end{Maple Normal}
    \begin{Maple Normal}{
    \begin{Maple Normal}{
    }\end{Maple Normal}
    }\end{Maple Normal}
    \mapleinline{inert}{2d}{A = c+d}{\[\displaystyle A=c+d\]}
    \mapleinline{inert}{2d}{A = c+d}{\[\displaystyle A=c+d\]}
    \begin{Maple Normal}{
    \begin{Maple Normal}{
    \mapleinline{inert}{2d}{}{\[\displaystyle \]}
    }\end{Maple Normal}
    }\end{Maple Normal}

and the output is:

Is there a way to solve this once while exporting in Maple instead of editing the latex code manually?

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