Question: Showing linear system with for loop


i need help to translate a system which is given below to a for loop.

Other wise i am writing it with myself. 

instead of doing it like that 


sys := [galerkin_funcs[1], galerkin_funcs[2], galerkin_funcs[3], galerkin_funcs[4], galerkin_funcs[5], galerkin_funcs[6], galerkin_funcs[7], galerkin_funcs[8], galerkin_funcs[9], galerkin_funcs[10]];

var := [w[1], w[2], w[3], w[4], w[5], w[6]];

Kmat, Fmat := GenerateMatrix(sys, var);

i want to do it like that.


for i to N+4 do

sys(1,i) := galerkin_funcs[i] 

end do

for i to N do

var(1,i) := w[i] 

end do

After that i will generate matrix with this comman Kmat, Fmat := GenerateMatrix(sys, var);

But this for loop i wrote is not doing the i want to do.

Thanks for your help.



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