Question: Error when fitting function to data

Dear Maple users

Physical experiment: I dropped a ball with low mass from a height of approximately 7 meters and wanted to test if the air resistance was proportional to the square of the velocity. I filmed the fall and used the program Logger Pro to collect data: a number of datapoints (time,height) was collected. I copy/pasted the datapoints into MS Excel, from where I could import data into Maple via Tools > Assistants > Import Data ... Then I wanted to make a fit with the theoretical solution, given by a function having just one parameter: the Drag coefficient. Unfortunately I received an error "complex values encountered" (see below). I can solve the problem manual by making a number of guesses for the drag coefficient, until the theoretical curve approximates the data points well. I wanted to make Maple do the fitting job, though. I will appreciate if someone could give an idea how to fit the data properly.

NB! Mass m and g is defined above in the Maple document. The Statistics and plots package is called too.

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