Question: How to express this constraint into Maple?

Hi everyone...!

Can somebody tell me how to express this equation in Maple? 

xij <= zkl ; ∀ i ∈ I: S(i)=k, ∀ j ∈ B: R(j)=l; 

Currently I'm dealing with containerization problem and have 4 indexes in the constraints (namely: i for item, j for container, k for shipment, l for route, S for Set of Shipment, and R for Set of Route) while x and z are binary variables. What I want to express is: (for example), item 1,2,3 are in shipment 1, item 4,5 are in shipment 2, etc etc. SO, if i = 1,2,3 then the value of k will be 1. If i = 4,5 then the value of k will be 2, etc. Same thing goes to j and l, (for example) if j = 1,2 then the value of l will be 1, etc etc. Further depcition is more or less like this:

S(i) = k

S(1) = 1

S(2) = 1

S(3) = 1

S(4) = 2

S(5) = 2


Thank you very much for the help.

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