Question: Undesired expansion in solving

In working on an answer to a recent question on MaplePrimes:

I noticed that in solving a "simple" system of two equations in two unknowns, potentially undesirable expansion occurs.
The two equations were only simple in the sense that the solving was very trivial, since the two unknowns occurred (almost) already isolated on the left:
eq2:=1.2345*diff(v(t),t)=rhs2; #rhs2 is very complicated in the link given.
So in isolating I tried:
The resulting ode system took considerably longer to solve numerically than an unexpanded version.
It is trivial (of course) to do the solving without solve in this case.

Here is an extremely simple example, where the unknowns are already isolated, so that the equations themselves are actually the solution.

solve(eq1,a); #No expansion
solve({eq1,eq2},{a,e}); #Expanded:
                   {a = b*c+b*d, e = b*c+b*d+f*k+8*f}

Can expansion be avoided?

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