Question: How to plot3d the expression?

plz help! How to draw the three-dimensional graphics (p(x,t))? When I run,it can not run.I do not know where the problem lies.The code is as follows:

with(PDEtools); with(student); KN := 3;
C2 := 1/.3; C1 := 0.6e-2/(.3); C3 := 4.3/(.3); beta := 0.43e-1;
ADM1 := proc (n) options operator, arrow; convert(subs(lambda = 0, value((Diff(F(Sum(lambda^i*U[i], i = 0 .. n)), `$`(lambda, n)))/factorial(n))), diff) end proc; A0[0] := F(U[0]);
for n to KN do A0[n] := ADM1(n) end do;
for n from 0 to KN do A[n] := unapply(simplify(convert(C1*(diff(subs({seq(U[i] = p[i](x, t), i = 0 .. KN)}, expand(subs(F(U[0]) = U[0]*exp(U[0]), A0[n]))), t)), diff)+C2*convert(subs({seq(U[i] = Diff(p[i](x, t), x), i = 0 .. KN)}, expand(subs(F(U[0]) = U[0]^2, A0[n]))), diff)), x, t) end do;
p[0] := proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; .2*sin((1/2)*Pi*x)*exp((-1/4)*t*Pi*Pi/C1) end proc;
p[1] := proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; (-(int(subs(t = s, C3*(diff(p[0](x, t), x))), s = 0 .. t))+int(subs(t = s, A[0](x, t)), s = 0 .. t))/beta end proc;
p[2] := proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; -(int(subs(t = s, C3*(diff(p[1](x, t), x))), s = 0 .. t))+int(subs(t = s, A[1](x, t)), s = 0 .. t) end proc;
p := unapply(subs(x = Zeta, t = tau, p[0](x, t)+p[1](x, t)+p[2](x, t)), Zeta, tau);

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