Question: A bug in MultiSeries?

I am trying to use MultiSeris package to expand a function (nu3 in the code).

The function has two variables, w and u. I want Maple to treat w as a constant and u as the variable.

As you can see from the code, somehow if I replace w by any rational number and do the expansion, I get an expansion with a constant * u term. However, if I replace w with zeta(3) (or pi), then some how the u term vanishes. I think this cannot be correct. Is this a bug?

nu3 := -sqrt(-2*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)*u^4+2*u^4*w+4*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)*u^2+u^4-4*u^2*w-2*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)-2*u^2+w^2+2*w+1)+sqrt(-2*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)*u^4+2*u^4*w+4*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)*u^2+u^4-4*u^2*w-2*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)-2*u^2+2*sqrt(-2*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)*u^4+2*u^4*w+4*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)*u^2+u^4-4*u^2*w-2*sqrt(w)*sqrt(w+2)-2*u^2+w^2+2*w+1)+2)+w-1




[AddFunction, FunctionSupported, GetFunction, LeadingTerm, RemoveFunction, SeriesInfo, asympt, limit, multiseries, series, taylor]


series(subs(w = 7/13, nu3), u = 0, 3)



series(subs(w = 1, nu3), u = 0, 3)



series(subs(w = zeta(3), nu3), u = 0, 2)







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