Question: Consistency and stability of numerical calculation


Please download and check the attached file.
It seems when you run the code more than one time, various results are obtained each time.

What is the reason? How it can be fixed?



restart; Digits := 20; tm := time(); with(LinearAlgebra); m := 6; a := .1; b := 10*a; E := 1; h := 1; nu := .3; ur := -w*z+u0; u0 := 0; ut := add(add(T[n, i]*r^n*t^(i-n), n = 0 .. i), i = 0 .. m); w := (r-b)^2*(r-a)^2*add(add(W[n, i]*r^n*t^(i-n), n = 0 .. i), i = 0 .. m); er := diff(ur, r); et := ur/r+(diff(ut, t))/r; ert := 1/2*(diff(ut, r)-ut/r+(diff(ur, t))/r); u := -(1/2)*E*(2*er*et*nu+er^2+et^2)/(nu^2-1)+2*E*ert^2/(2+2*nu); N := sum(i+1, i = 0 .. m); PI := int(int(int(u*r, z = -(1/2)*h .. (1/2)*h), t = 0 .. 2*Pi), r = a .. b)-.5*P*(int(int(r*(diff(w, r))^2, r = a .. b), t = 0 .. 2*Pi)); s1 := seq(indets(add(add(T[n, i], n = 0 .. i), i = 0 .. m))[k] = c[k], k = 1 .. N); s2 := seq(indets(add(add(W[n, i], n = 0 .. i), i = 0 .. m))[k] = c[k+N], k = 1 .. N); PI := subs(s1, s2, PI); for k to 2*N do diff(PI, c[k]); if % = 0 then ex := `union`({}, {k}) else eq[k] := % end if end do; NE := seq(ex[j], j = 1 .. numelems(ex)); M := GenerateMatrix([`$`(eq[j], j = 1 .. 2*N)], [`$`(c[j], j = 1 .. 2*N)])[1]; M := DeleteColumn(DeleteRow(M, NE), NE); Determinant(M); 12*fsolve(%, P = 0 .. 1)*(-nu^2+1)*a^2/(E*h^3); Time = time()-tm

Time = 85.363





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