Question: How to help Maple to compute a limit?


Let a in ] 0, 1[  and  x real

Let  f := sin(x) / ( ( sin(a*x) )^a * ( sin((1-a)*x) )^(1-a) );

How can I find the limit of f as x goes to 0 ?
(limit, series, taylor don't work, wether I set or not assumptions on "a" [assume/assuming])

PS 1:  the limit is found once a numeric value is given to alpha

PS 2:  By simple calculations:
           sin(x) ~x  ;  sin(a*x) ~ ax  ; sin((1-a)*x) ~(1-a)x and thus
          ==>  f(x->0) ~ x / ( -a*x)^a * ((1-a)*x)^(1-a) )
                              = x / ( -a^a * (1-a)^(1-a) * x^(a+1-a)
                              = 1 /  ( -a^a * (1-a)^(1-a)  )

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