Question: Using xx with pdsolve output = listprocedure

pde := diff(u(x, t), x $ 4) = diff(u(x, t), t $ 2);

iv:= subs(L = 100, {u(0, t) = 0, u(L, t) = 0, u(x, 0) = sin(x), D[2](u)(x, 0) = 2*x, D[1, 1](u)(0, t) = 0, D[1, 1](u)(L, t) = 0});

de := pdsolve(pde, iv, numeric):

sa1 := de:-value(output = listprocedure);

sa1:=[x=proc() ... end proc,t=proc() ... end proc,u(x,t)=proc() .. end proc]

    With the above procedure it works, but in the most compact form below it does not work.

pdsolve(pde, iv, numeric,output = listprocedure):

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/par_hyp) invalid arguments for theta scheme: [output = listprocedure]

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