Question: Differential equation with piecewise

For the DE solution below, Maple returns only one option. I can't get the others. Can anyone help?

wW := unapply(piecewise(0 <= x and x < L/2, 0, L/2 <= x and x <= L, w[0]), x):

eq := k*diff(y(x), x$4) = wW(x):

dsolve({eq, y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 0, y''(L) = 0, y'''(L)=0}, y(x)) assuming 0 < L

          y(x) = -L*w[0]*x^3/(6*k) + L^2*w[0]*x^2/(4*k) + w[0]*x^4/(24*k)


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