Question: Arc Length Parametrization- Lines of Code- Need Help to Troubleshoot

I have an arc length parametrization problem. I got the right answer for the speed. The lines of code before the long dividing line I successfully got to work. The main problem I am having is with the code underneath that. It is producing weird answers and just returning the same words without computing any mathematical calculation.




T:= 4:

r := t -> <t^2 + t, sin(t^2)*(t + 1), cos(t^2)*(t + 1)>;

speed := Norm(diff(r(t), t));

evalf(Int(speed, t = 0 .. T)); (I got 62.98633182 for this part)

----------------------------This is where I started running into problems with the arc length parametrization.

L := b -> int(speed, t = 0 .. b);

speed := t -> subs(c = t, Norm(diff(r(c), c)));

speed2 := t -> sqrt(factor(simplify(speed(t)^2)));

solve(s = L(t), s);

assume(b > 0 'real');

g := s -> solve(s = L(b), b, useassumptions = true);

newr := s -> r(g(s));



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