Question: A strange behaviour of the display


Here are two sequences of commands that should give the same kind of plots. But, while the first one returns the expected display, the second doesn't (look to the labels on the histogram plot).

There is no hidden character that could explain this second display. Just that I proceeded this way:

  1. I executed the second sequence once.
  2. Then I told myself that displaying the histogram was superfluous, so I replaced its final semicolon with a colon.
  3. And I finally thought that, no, the histogram had a real interest and that I should display it; and I restored the semcolon (this is what you can see on the second sequence).
    And this add to the histogram the labels inherited from the second plot ...

Nothing dramatic here, but was the development team aware of this curiosity?



N := 10:
S := Statistics:-Sample(Normal(0, 1), 10)^+:
plots:-logplot(<  < [$1..N]> | S >, labels=["A", "B"]);




N := 10:
S := Statistics:-Sample(Normal(0, 1), 10)^+:
plots:-logplot(<  < [$1..N]> | S >, labels=["A", "B"]);






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