Question: Numerical solution of differential equation

I have:

dx6PN := 9836.535181*(1 - 2.890681911*x(t) + 4*Pi*x(t)^(3/2) + 3.753665653*x(t)^2 - 37.77895388*x(t)^(5/2) + (120.1000376 - (856*ln(16*x(t)))/105)*x(t)^3 + 54.24658055*x(t)^(7/2) + (9.292369248 - 23.08463043*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^4 + (540.5708789 - 102.446*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^(9/2) + (415.3887908 + 318.8547366*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^5 + (1549.709468 - 384.6723254*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^(11/2) + (2172.892557 + 407.4405529*ln(x(t)) + 33.2307*ln(x(t))^2)*x(t)^6)*x(t)^5

Ms := 0.0003214719000

xlow := 0.04672277118

tin := 4.125604512

I want to solve the following for t>tin to obtain xphi. I then want to plot xphi over the range tin to tin+1:

diff(x(t), t) = dx6PN, diff(xphi(t), t) = (x(t)^(3/2))/Ms, x(0) = xlow, xphi(tin) = 0

I could use some help.

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