Question: pdsolve exception (in GAMMA) numeric exception: division by zero in Maple 2021

This is new exception generated by Maple pdsolve in 2021. Different from the last post I gave on pdsolve. So I thought it will be better to keep them separate since the causes are different.

pde :=  diff(w(x,y,z),x)+(a1*x^n1*y+b1*x^m1)*diff(w(x,y,z),y)+(a2*x^n2*y+b2*x^m1)*diff(w(x,y,z),z)= 0;

#another example

local gamma:
pde := diff(w(x,y,z),x)+(a1*x^n1*y+ b1*x^m1)*diff(w(x,y,z),y)+(a2*x^n2*y+b2*x^m2)*diff(w(x,y,z),z)=c2*x^k2*y+c1*x^k1*z;


Error, (in GAMMA) numeric exception: division by zero

The same PDE works in 2020.2. The answer it gives is large so will not show it all below.

Screen shots

Maple 2021


Maple 2020.2

All on windows 10.

Do other see the same error? What causes it?


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