Question: Plotting optimal solution as a function of a specific parameter


Problem description

1) Define a function in terms of variables and parameters,

2) FInd the optimal solution

3) Plot the optimal solution in terms of a single parameter



What I have done is very basic since I haven't use Maple for many years. Here is an example

1) f(x;a,b,c):= ax^2+bx+c; (I don't knpw how to tell Maple that {a,b,c} is a set of parameters)

2) solve(f(x)=0,x); (I could use something like solve(f(x)=0,x,'parametric','real') but I am not interested in so detailed solution)

3) Here is my main problem. I want to save the first solution of x in optx(a;b,c) and the second in opttx(a;b,c) but I don't know how to do it (again, here a is my variable and b,c my parameters)

4) I also don't know hot to plot optx(a) as a increases, whereas the values of {b,c}={e.g., 2,3}


I would appreciate any resources/guidance 

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