Question: Common legend for different figures


Is it possible to have a common legend for different figures? I can plot them as Array of Plots (below) but then they each have a legend. 

Is it possible to have the two figures side by side and a common legend in the middle?

Thank you!

A := Array(1 .. 2):
A[1] := plot([2*sin(x), 3*sin(x)], x = -Pi .. Pi, labels = [x, b*sin(x)], color = [blue, red], legend = ["Case of b=2", "Case of b=3"]):
A[2] := plot([2*cos(x), 3*cos(x)], x = -Pi .. Pi, labels = [x, b*cos(x)], color = [blue, red], legend = ["Case of b=2", "Case of b=3"]):

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