Question: How to solve a set of equaions using fsolve?

I have a set of equations gathered in a vector. The number of equations varies each time. Here in this example it is 4. How you suggest so solve them with fsolve? I tried to use seq but faced error.


EQ := Matrix(4, 1, {(1, 1) = 32.1640740637930*Tau[1]-0.172224519601111e-4*Tau[2]-0.270626540730518e-3*Tau[3]+0.1570620334e-9*P[1]+0.3715450960e-14*sin(t), (2, 1) = -0.172224519601111e-4*Tau[1]+32.1667045885952*Tau[2]+0.587369829416537e-4*Tau[3]-0.1589565489e-8*P[1]+0.1004220091e-12*sin(t), (3, 1) = -0.270626540730518e-3*Tau[1]+0.587369829416537e-4*Tau[2]+32.1816411689934*Tau[3]-0.7419658527e-8*P[1]+0.5201228088e-12*sin(t), (4, 1) = 0.1570620334e-9*Tau[1]-0.1589565489e-8*Tau[2]-0.7419658527e-8*Tau[3]+601.876235436204*P[1]})

V := Matrix(1, 4, {(1, 1) = Tau[1], (1, 2) = Tau[2], (1, 3) = Tau[3], (1, 4) = P[1]})

q := 0

X := Matrix(4, 1, {(1, 1) = -0.1156532164e-15*sin(t), (2, 1) = -0.3121894613e-14*sin(t), (3, 1) = -0.1616209235e-13*sin(t), (4, 1) = -0.2074537757e-24*sin(t)})

t := 1

Xf := fsolve({seq(EQ[r], r = 1 .. 4)}, {seq(V[r] = q .. X[r], r = 1 .. 4)})

Error, Matrix index out of range``



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